论文题目 作者
Decadally cycling soil carbon is more sensitive to warming than faster-cycling soil carbon Lin, JJ (Lin, Junjie)
Microbial denitrification dominates nitrate losses from forest ecosystems Fang, YunTing
Coordination of xylem hydraulics and stomatal regulation in keeping the integrity of xylem water transport in shoots of two compound-leaved tree species Yan-Yan Liu
A life cycle co-benefits assessment of wind power in China Bing Xue
Nitrogen addition alters carbon and nitrogen dynamics during decay of different quality residues Chunming Jiang
Incipient changes of lignin and substituted fatty acids under N addition in a Chinese forest soil Wu, Nana
Contrasting responses in leaf nutrient-use strategies of two dominant grass species along a 30-yr temperate steppe grazing exclusion chronosequence Lu, Xiao-Tao
Reconsidering brownfield redevelopment strategy in China's old industrial zone: a health risk assessment of heavy metal contamination Ren, Wanxia
The interactive effects of elevated ozone and wheat cultivars on soil microbial community composition and metabolic diversity Bao, Xuelian
Microbial denitrification dominates nitrate losses from forest ecosystems Fang, Yunting