论文题目 作者
Distribution of fungal endophytes in roots of Stipa krylovii across six vegetation types in grassland of northern China Li, Xinyu
Arsenic release and speciation during the oxidative dissolution of arsenopyrite by O-2 in the absence and presence of EDTA Wang, Shaofeng
Depth profiles of soil carbon isotopes along a semi-arid grassland transect in northern China Wang, Chao
Size Effect on the Cytotoxicity of Layered Black Phosphorus and Underlying Mechanisms Zhang, Xuejiao
Nutrient removal under different harvesting scenarios for larch plantations in northeast China: Implications for nutrient conservation and management Yan, Tao
Spatial pattern of different component carbon in varied grasslands of northern China Ma, Qun
Quantification of ozone exposure- and stomatal uptake-yield response relationships for soybean in Northeast China Zhang, Weiwei
Temporal variability of foliar nutrients: responses to nitrogen deposition and prescribed fire in a temperate steppe Xiao-Tao Lü
Exacerbated nitrogen limitation ends transient stimulation of grassland productivity by increased precipitation Haiyan Ren,Zhuwen Xu
Habitat-specific patterns and drivers of bacterial β-diversity in China’s drylands Wang Xiaobo