


地址:辽宁省沈阳市沈河区文化路72号生态所植物营养与肥料组 110016

电话:024-83970607 E-mail:llzhang@iae.ac.cn















国家农业部农业科研杰出人才培训   农业资源环境管理 

美国康奈尔大学   美国加州大学戴维斯分校

访问交流 2017.9   荷兰格罗宁根大学

访问学者 2017.1-2017.4   美国加州大学戴维斯分校

访问学者 2012.10-2014.8   美国加州大学戴维斯分校


1.兴辽英才计划高水平创新团队“肥料高效利用绿色肥料研究及产业化创新团队”负责人 2020年入选  2021年9月经费到位,经费额度100万元

2.中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)(XDA28090000)“退化黑土地地力恢复与产能提升沈阳示范区” 项目首席科学家 6100.61万元 2021-2025

3.辽宁省揭榜挂帅课题“黑土地旱田地力提升关键技术示范与推广” 课题负责人 70万元 2021-2023

4.国家自然科学基金面上项目“秸秆氮在稻田土壤不同氮库的分配特征及影响机制(31971531)”,项目负责人 74万元  2020-2023

5.十三五重点研发计划课题 "稻田培肥替代品研制及施用关键技术(2016YFD0300904)", 课题负责人 730万元 2016-2020

6.国家自然科学基金面上项目"土壤微生物对还田秸秆小分子有机氮的利用及影响机制(41571290)", 项目负责人 78万元 2016-2019

7.国家重点研发计划子课题“污灌区铅镉超标农田安全利用”,子课题负责人 80万元 2017-2020

8.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“大气CO2和O3浓度增高对土壤硝化-反硝化进程的影响及功能微生物群的响应特征(41101242)”,课题主持人 25万元 2010-2012

9.国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973)专题(2007CB109307)“典型区域氮、磷转化相关酶活性特征” 子课题负责人 2007-2010

10.国家科技支撑计划专题“新型环境友好稳定性氮肥的研制(2011BAD11B04)” 子课题负责人 80万元 2011-2015

11.中科院生态所创新群体项目“农田土壤C、N转化相关生物学过程对大气CO2和O3浓度升高的响应” 子课题负责人 25万元 2007-2010

12.国家科技支撑计划课题“氮、磷肥缓释、促释技术研究” 主要参加



1.Kaikuo Wu, Zhe Zhang, Liangshan Feng, Wei Bai, Chen Feng, Yuchao Song, Ping Gong, Yue Meng,Lili Zhang*. Effects of Corn Stalks and Urea on N2O Production from Corn Field Soil. Agronomy. 2021. 11:2009. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11102009

2.ChunxiaoYu, Xueshi Xie, HengzheYang, LijieYang, Wentao Li, KaikuoWu, Weiming Zhang, Chen Feng, Dongpo Li, ZhijieWu Lili Zhang*. Efect of straw and inhibitors on the fate of nitrogen applied to paddy soil. Scientific Report. 2020. 10: 21582

3.Chunxiao Yu, Lili Zhang*, Lijie Yang, Wei Bai, Chen Feng, Wentao Li, Kaikuo Wu, Dongpo Li, Zhijie Wu. Effect of a urea and urease/nitrification inhibitor combination on rice straw Hydrolysis and nutrient turnover on rice growth. 2021. BioResources 16(2): 3059-3074

4.Tao Sun, Chunxiao Yu, Bjorn Berg, Zhanbo Wei, Lingli Wang, Xinyue Liu, Chen Feng, Zhijie Wu, Wei Bai, Lili Zhang*. Empirical evidence that manganese enrichment eccelerates decomposition. Applied Soil Ecology 168(2021) 104148

5.Jie Li, Shuai Wang, Yuanliang Shi, Lili Zhang and Zhijie Wu. Do fallow season cover crops increase N2O or CH4 emission from paddy soils in the mono-rice cropping system? Agronomy 2021, 11:199  https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy/11020199

6.Jie Li, Shuai Wang, Jiafa Luo*, Lili Zhang, Zhijie Wu, Stuart Lindsey. Biochar and 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) effects on soil ammonia oxidizing bacteria and nosZ-N2O reducers to mitigate N2O emissions in paddy soil (2020), Journal of Soils and Sediments, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02811-z.

7.于春晓,张丽莉*,杨立杰,李文涛,武开阔,解学仕,李东坡,武志杰. 抑制剂和猪粪对尿素氮在稻田土壤中转化的影响.应用生态学报 2020. 31(6):1851-1858

8.Lijie Yang, Chunxiao Yu, Lili Zhang*, Wei Bai, Wentao Li, Dongpo Li, Yalan Cui, Yuchao Song, Ping Gong, Yan Xue, Zhijie Wu. Substrate availability affects the partitioning of C and N in glycine between plants and soil microorganisms. 2020. Archives of Agronomy of Soil Science. DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2020.1714034.

9.武开阔,张丽莉*,宋玉超,李玉华,宫 平,武志杰,杨立杰,李东坡. 稳定性氮肥配合秸秆还田对水稻产量及 N2O 和 CH4 排放的影响. 2019. 30(4):1287-1294

10.Kaikuo Wu, Ping Gong, Lili Zhang*, Zhijie Wu, Xueshi Xie, Hengzhe Yang, Wentao Li, Yuchao Song, Dongpo Li Yield-scaled N2O and CH4 emissions as affected by combined application of stabilized nitrogen fertilizer and pig manure in rice fields. Plant Soil and Environment. 2019(10):497-502.

11.Lili Dong, Tao Sun*, Bjorn Berg, Lili Zhang*, Quanquan Zhang, Zhengwen Wang. Effects of different forms of N deposition on leaf litter decomposition and extracellular enzyme activities in a temperate grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2019,134: 78-80.

12.Tao Sun, Yalan Cui, Bjorn Berg, Quanquan Zhang, Lili Dong, Zhijie Wu, Lili Zhang*. A test of manganese effects on decomposition in forest and cropland sites. 2019. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 129: 178-183


14.武开阔,张丽莉*,宋玉超,李玉华,宫平,武志杰,杨立杰,李东坡.稳定性氮肥配合秸秆还田对水稻产量及N2O和CH4排放的影响[J].应用生态学报, 2019,30(04):1287-1294.

15.Wei Chen, Huixin Hou, Congjian Sun, Zhijie Wu, Lili Zhang*, Wantai Yu. The effect of elevated ozone concentration on enzymes increases NO3- content in the soil at the jointing stage of wheat field. 2018. European Journal of Soil Biology. 89: 14-19


17.武志杰,石元亮,李东坡,卢宗云,魏占波,张丽莉,宫平,王玲丽,房娜娜,李杰,李忠,薛妍,宋玉超. 稳定性肥料发展与展望. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2017. 23(6): 1614-1621

18.杨立杰,张丽莉*,李东坡,宫平,薛妍,于春晓,王成柱,武志杰. 硝化抑制剂和秸秆对潮棕壤碳氮转化和微生物群落特征的短期影响. 中国土壤与肥料. 2017,(1) 86-91

19.Lijie Yang, Lili Zhang*, Chunxiao Yu, Dongpo Li, Ping Gong, Yan Xue, Yuchao Song, Yalan Cui, Timothy A.Doane, Zhijie Wu. Nitrogen fertilizer and straw applications affect uptake of 13C,15N-glycine by soil microorganisms in wheat growth stages. Plos one. 2017, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0169016(first author and corresponding author)

20.Tao Sun, Lili Dong, Lili Zhang, Zhijie Wu, Qingkui Wang, Yuanyuan Li, Hongguang Zhang, Zhengwen Wang.  Early stage fine-root decomposition and its relationship with root order and soil depth in a Larix gmelinii plantation. Forests. 2016, 7: 234. DOI: 10.3390/f7100234.

21.Lijie YangΔ, Lili Zhang*Δ, Daniel Geisseler, Zhijie Wu, Ping Gong, Yan Xue, Chunxiao Yu, Yinghua Juan, William R. Horwath. Available C and N affect the utilization of glycine by soil microorganisms. Geoderma. 2016, 283:32-38. (*Corresponding author, Δcontribute equally)

22.Ningning MaΔ, Lili Zhang*Δ, Yulan Zhang, Lijie Yang, Chunxiao Yu, Guanghua Yin, Timothy A.Doane, Zhijie Wu, Ping Zhu, Xingzhu Ma. Biochar improves soil aggregate stability and water availability in a Mollisol after three years of field application. Plos one. 2016, 11(5):e0154091 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154091. (*Corresponding author, Δcontribute equally)

23.YANG Lijie, ZHANG Lili*, CHEN Wei, GONG Ping, WU Zhijie, XUE Yan, FANG Nana, WANG Lingli. The study of organic nitrogen uptake by soil microorganisms using Gas/Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and double isotope labeling technique. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2016, 36(5): 1478-1482. (*Corresponding author)

24.Honghui Wu, Qi Li, Caiyan Lu, Lili Zhang, Jianguo Zhu, Feike A.Dijkstra, Qiang Yu. Elevated ozone effects on soil nitrogen cycling differ among wheat cultivars. Applied Soil Ecology. 2016, 108:187-194.


26.Wei Chen, LiLi Zhang*, XinYu Li, RongZhong Ye, Qi Li, JianGuo Zhu, NaNa Fang, Ling Li Wang, ZhiJie Wu*, William R. Horwath. Elevated ozone increases nitrifying and denitrifying enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of wheat after 5 years of fumigation. Plant and Soil. 2015, 392(1-2):279-288. (*Corresponding author).

27.隽英华, 陈振华, 张玉兰, 张丽莉, 陈利军. 脲酶抑制剂氢醌对土壤脲酶动力学行为的调控效应. 中国土壤与肥料. 2015, 4: 53-58.

28.Lili Zhang, Wei Chen, Martin Burger, Lijie Yang, Ping Gong, Zhijie Wu*. 2015. Changes in soil carbon and enzyme activity as a result of different long-term fertilization regimes in a greenhouse field. PLoS one DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0118371.

29.Yunfeng Shi, Lili Zhang, Muqiu Zhao. Effect of biochar application on the efficacy of nitrification inhibitor Dicyandiamide in soils. BioResource. 2015. 10(1): 1330-1345

30.Yunfeng Shi, Lili Zhang, Muqiu Zhao, Gang Wang. Inhibitory effects of aqueous extracts from leaves of common tropical green plants on urea hydrolysis in soils. Advanced Material Research. 2014(1010-1012): 614-617 EI 收录

31.Yunfeng Shi, Lili Zhang, Muqiu Zhao, Xiaoxiong Xu. Inhibitory effects of aqueous extracts of tropical forest plants on urea hydrolysis and nitrification in soil. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014( 587-589): 877-881 EI 收录

32.史云峰,张丽莉,赵牧秋,王刚. 土壤硝化强度测定方法的改进. 中国农学通报. 2014, 30(33): 225-229

33.史云峰,张帆,徐小雄,张丽莉,赵牧秋. 30种芳香植物水浸提液对尿素水解和硝化作用的抑制效果. 生态学杂志. 2014, 33(12):3440-3446

34.史云峰,张丽莉,赵牧秋. 基于紫外吸收光谱法的吡唑类硝化抑制剂在土壤中的水解研究. 中国农学通报. 2011, 27(27): 294-298

35.Ping Gong, Lili Zhang*, Zhijie Wu, Zhenhua Chen, Lijun Chen. Responses of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in two agricultural soils to nitrification inhibitors DCD and DMPP: A pot culture experiment. Pedosphere. 23(6):729-739,2013(SCI)

36.Xinxin Dong, Lili Zhang, Zhijie Wu, Dongpo Li, Zhaocong Shang, Ping Gong. Effects of the nitrification inhibitor DMPP on soil bacterial community in a Cambisol in northeast China. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 13 (3):580-591,2013(SCI).

37.Xinxin Dong, Lili Zhang, Zhijie Wu, Huiwen Zhang, Ping Gong. The response of nitrifier, N-fixer and denitrifier gene copy numbers to the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate. Plant, Soil and Environment. 59(9):398-403, 2013(SCI)

38.Ping Gong, Lili Zhang, Zhijie Wu, Dongpo Li.2013. Does the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide affect the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in a Hap-Udic Luvisol? Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 13 (1):35-42,2013(SCI)

39.Ping Gong, Lili Zhang, Zhijie Wu, Dongpo Li. Laboratory study of the effects of nitrification inhibitors on the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in a Hap-Ustic Luvisol. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 6(48):7428-7434, 2012(SCI).

40.李莉,李东坡,武志杰,张丽莉,张玉兰,聂彦霞. 2012.脲酶/硝化抑制剂对尿素氮在白浆土中转化的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报.17(3): 646-650

41.薛妍,武志杰,张丽莉,宫平,董欣欣,聂彦霞. 土壤含水量、pH及有机质对DMPP硝化抑制效果的影响. 应用生态学报. 23(10):2663-2669, 2012.

42.史云峰,张丽莉,赵牧秋. 硝化抑制剂DMPP的合成及在砖红壤中的应用效果. 琼州学院学报. 18(5): 38-41, 2011.

43.史云峰,张丽莉,赵牧秋. 基于紫外吸收光谱法的吡唑类硝化抑制剂在土壤中的水解研究. 中国农学通报. 27(27): 294-298, 2011.

44.Y.F.Shi, L.L.Zhang, Z.J.Wu. 2012. Inhibitory effects of pyrazoles on soil nitrification:  effects of chemical structure. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. In press.

45.Zhang L., Wu Z., Jiang Y., Chen L., Song Y., Wang L., Xie J., Ma X. 2010. Fate of applied urea 15N in a soil-maize system as affected by urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibitor. Plant, Soil and Environment, 56(1): 345-348.

46.Zhang Lili, Wu Zhijie, Shi Yunfeng, Chen Lijun, Song Yuchao, Juan Yinghua. 2010. Inhibitory effects of aromatic compounds on soil nitrification. Pedosphere, 20(3): 326-333.

47.Zhang Lili, WU Zhijie, Song Yuchao. 2010. Mass spectrometry assay for denitrifying enzyme activity measurement. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 30(7): 2011-2013.

48.Zhang Lili, WU Zhijie, Chen Lijun, Li Dongpo, Ma Xingzhu, Shi Yunfeng. 2009. A microplate fluorimetric assay for saccharase activity measurement. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 29(5): 1341-1344.

49.Zhang Lili, Wu Zhijie, Chen Lijun, Jiang Yong, Li Dongpo. 2009. Kinetics of catalase and dehydrogenase in main soils of Northeast China under different soil moisture conditions. Agricultural Journal, 4(2): 113-120.

50.张丽莉,武志杰,陈利军,陈振华,张玉兰. 2009. 不同种植制度土壤氧化还原酶活性和动力学特征. 生态环境学报. 18(1):343-347.

51.张丽莉,武志杰,陈利军,马星竹,张玉兰,陈振华. 2009. 包膜与氢醌结合对尿素释放及水解的影响. 18(3): 1112-1117.

52.张丽莉,武志杰,陈利军,张海军,张玉兰,陈振华. 2009. 双氰胺与尿素共包被对NH4+硝化及NO3-淋溶的影响. 18(4):1508-1515.

53.张丽莉,陈利军,武志杰,朱平,高洪军. 2008. 长期施肥对棕壤氧化还原酶活性和动力学特征的影响. 土壤通报. 39(4): 845-848.

54.张丽莉,武志杰,陈利军,孙彩霞. 2007. 转基因棉种植对土壤氧化还原酶活性的影响. 土壤通报. 38(2): 277-280.

55.张丽莉,武志杰,陈利军,孙彩霞. 2006. 转基因棉种植对土壤水解酶活性的影响. 生态学杂志. 25(11): 1348-1351.

56.张丽莉,张玉兰,陈利军,武志杰. 2004. 稻-麦轮作系统土壤糖酶活性对开放式CO2浓度增高的响应.应用生态学报. 15(6): 1019-1024.

57.张丽莉,陈利军,张玉兰,武志杰. 2005. 土壤氧化还原酶催化动力学研究进展.应用生态学报. 16(2):371-374.

58.张丽莉,陈利军,刘桂芬,武志杰. 2003. 污染土壤酶学修复研究进展. 14(12):2342-2346


1.张丽莉,梁国庆,王秀斌,孙静文,李琪,张玉兰,武志杰,姜勇. 农田养分管理与高效利用(典型区域养分循环特征与驱动机制第八章). 科学出版社. 本章节2万字,2012.

2.史云峰,赵牧秋,张丽莉. 稳定性肥料技术-原理与应用. 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2015.


1.Zhang,Lili; Wu, Zhijie; Wei Zhanbo. SYNERGISTIC STABLE COMPOUND FERTILIZER AND PREPARATION METHOD. Australian innovation patent. Patent number: 2021105229


3.ZHANG, Lili; WEI, Zhanbo; WU, Zhijie and GONG, Ping CARBON-COUPLED STABILIZED NITROGEN FERTILIZER AND PREPARATION METHOD Australian innovation patent. Patent number: 2021100557

4.ZHANG, Lili; WEI, Zhanbo; WU, Zhijie and SONG, Yuchao CARBON-COUPLED STABILIZED COMPOUND FERTILIZER AND PREPARATION METHOD. Australian innovation patent. Patent number:2021100558

5.Zhang, LiLi and Wu, ZhiJie. ANALYZING METHOD FOR DETECTING ACTIVITY OF CELLULASE IN SOIL. Australian innovation patent. Patent number: 2020104024

6.Zhang, Lili and Wu, Zhijie. An Analytical method for detecting activity of soil glutamine synthetase Australian innovation patent. Patent number:2020102399

7.张丽莉,武志杰,陈利军. 一种土壤纤维素酶活性的测定方法. 授权时间:2012年2月8日,中国,ZL2008 1 0011539.1

8.张丽莉, 杨立杰,武志杰. 一种检测土壤谷氨酰氨酶活性的分析方法ZL201310407251.7, 授权时间 2018年3月27日

9.武志杰,孙志梅,张丽莉. 一种检测土壤亚硝酸还原酶活性的分析方法. ZL200510047888.5, 授权时间 2009年6月3日

10.宫平,武志杰,张丽莉. 一种植物根际及秸际土壤取样的装置;申请号:201922238956.6  授权公告号:211205830U 授权公告日:2020.08.07


1.宫平,武志杰,张丽莉,李东坡,薛妍. 一种硝化抑制剂在含氮肥料中的应用. 申请日:2015.12.14, 申请号:201510930604.0

2.张丽莉,于春晓,武志杰,杨立杰. 一种重金属镉钝化修复缓释尿素肥料及制备方法. 受理号:201611254367.1 受理时间 2016年12月30日

3.张丽莉,于春晓,武志杰,杨立杰. 一种重金属钝化修复缓释多功能尿素肥料及制备方法. 受理号: 201611253664.4 受理时间 2016年12月30日


5.张丽莉,于春晓,武志杰. 一种碳耦合型稳定性氮肥肥料及制备方法。2018年12月5日受理  专利受理号:201811478861.5

6.张丽莉,于春晓,武志杰. 一种碳耦合型稳定性复合肥料及制备方法。2018年12月5日受理 专利受理号:201811479404.8

7.宫平,武志杰,张丽莉,魏占波. 一种制备15N和18O双标记N2O的方法;申请号:202010461509.1

8.张丽莉 武志杰 “一种增效稳定复合肥肥料及制备方法”,类型:发明专利,申请号:202011201206.2,单位名称:永利娱高ylg060net

9.张丽莉 武志杰  “一种增效稳定性氮肥肥料及制备方法”,类型:发明专利,申请号:202011201432.0,单位名称:永利娱高ylg060net

10.张丽莉,武志杰. 一种增效稳定性氮肥肥料及制备方法. 申请号:PCT/CN2020/133532,国际PCT专利

11.张丽莉,武志杰. 一种增效稳定性复合肥肥料及制备方法. 申请号:PCT/CN2020/133533,国际PCT专利

12.宫平,武志杰,张丽莉,李东坡. 一种含植物源反硝化抑制剂的氮肥增效剂及其制备方法与应用. 202011455959.6

13.宫平,武志杰,张丽莉. 一种硝化抑制剂保护助剂及其应用. 202111063636.7


1. 大北农科技奖:增效尿素及其生产工艺. 二等奖. 排名第8, 2015年.

2. 2019年中国科学院国际合作奖  排名第5

3. 2020年辽宁省国际合作奖



成果名称:新型碳氮耦合型水稻专用肥. 主要完成人:张丽莉,魏占波,张兴国,孙喜臣,宫平,宋玉超,王丽,武开阔,薛妍,于春晓. 完成单位:中科院沈阳应用生态研究所. 证书编号 2020-SF-01-01 获奖时间 2020年12月2日


1.泰山国际论坛肥料与养分管理专题 International Symposium of Fertilizer Technology and Nutrient Management.

报告题目:Research Progress and Application of Stabilized Fertilizer in China.

2.第17届世界肥料大会 17th World Fertilizer Congress.

报告题目:Research Progress and Application of Stabilized Fertilizer in China.


沈阳应用生态研究所 农业中心副主任


SCI刊物 Journal of Hazardous Materials; Scientia Horticulturae; plant and soil; Environmental pollution审稿专家

2018年入选沈阳市高层次人才 –拔尖人才


辽宁省土壤学会 秘书长

2020年兴辽英才计划 高水平创新团队 负责人

2020年中国土壤学会 理事

2020年入选应用生态学报 编委

2020年入选土壤通报 编委
