1. Da Yang, Guillermo Goldstein, Miao Wang, Wei-Wei Zhang, Ai-Ying Wang, Yan-Yan Liu, Guang-You Hao(*), Microenvironment in the canopy rivals the host tree water status in controlling sap flow of a mistletoe species, Tree Physiology, 2017. 37 (4): 501-510.
2. Wei-Wei Zhang(#), Jia Song(#), Miao Wang, Yan-Yan Liu, Na Li, Yong-Jiang Zhang, N. Michele Holbrook, Guang-You Hao(*), Divergences in hydraulic architecture form an important basis for niche differentiations between diploid and polyploid Betula species in NE China, Tree Physiology, 2017. 37 (5): 604-616.
3. Cun-Yang Niu, Frederick C. Meinzer, Guang-You Hao(*), Divergence in strategies for coping with winter embolism among co-occurring temperate tree species: the role of positive xylem pressure, wood type and tree stature, Functional Ecology, 2017. 31 (8): 1550-1560.
4. Feng-Ping Zhang, Ying-Jie Yang, Qiu-Yun Yang, Wei Zhang, Tim J. Brodribb, Guang-You Hao, Hong Hu(*), Shi-Bao Zhang(*), Floral mass per area and water maintenance traits are correlated with floral longevity in Paphiopedilum (Orchidaceae), Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017. 8: 501.
5. Guo-Feng Jiang(#), Uromi Manage Goodale(#), Yan-Yan Liu, Guang-You Hao, Kun-Fang Cao(*), Salt management strategy defines the stem and leaf hydraulic characteristics of six mangrove tree species, Tree Physiology, 2017. 37 (3): 389-401.
6. Ze-Xin Fan(*), Frank Sterck, Shi-Bao Zhang, Pei-Li Fu, Guang-You Hao, Tradeoff between Stem Hydraulic Efficiency and Mechanical Strength Affects Leaf-Stem Allometry in 28 Ficus Tree Species, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017. 8: 1619.