巩宗强,男,1975年生,永利娱高ylg060net,博士,研究员。污染生态与环境工程中心 副主任,土壤污染生态组组长。主要从事污染土壤调查、风险评估,污染物在环境的迁移转化过程,污染物的微生物降解,污染土壤修复及农业废弃物的处理等研究内容。曾先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家高科技技术研发项目专项、国家重点研发计划子课题、中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项专题、国家重点研发计划课题等十多项科研项目。获得辽宁省科技进步二等奖2项,环保科技进步二等奖1项。
2011.10-至今, 永利娱高ylg060net,土壤污染生态组,研究员
2005.9-2009.1, 东北大学, 博士后。
2008.4-2008.9, 2016.7-2017.3,澳大利亚迪肯大学生命与环境学院访问研究。
7.根际效应对双加氧酶基因多样性、表达和蛋白的影响及与多环芳烃降解的关系, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2013-2016,经费75万,负责人
获奖名称 |
成果类别 |
本人排名 |
辽宁省污染土壤与生态破坏区生态修复标准体系与应用示范 |
辽宁省科技进步二等奖,2014 |
2 |
典型类型污染土壤修复技术实用化示范 |
环境保护科技进步奖二等奖,2014 |
5 |
菱镁矿区污染土壤生态修复技术 |
辽宁省科技进步二等奖,2016 |
9 |
专利名称 |
受理号 |
申报人 |
一株抗生素降解菌及其在土壤污染修复中的应用 |
ZL 202111026025.5 |
巩宗强、张晓蓉、李晓军、贾春云 |
一种吸附重金属菌剂及其在土壤污染修复中的应用 |
ZL 202111026023.6 |
巩宗强、张晓蓉、李晓军、贾春云 |
一种环境友好型多环芳烃污染土壤淋洗剂及其制备方法 |
202011230185.7 |
巩宗强、张晓蓉、李晓军、贾春云 |
一种利用复合矿物材料改梁村镇沟渠底质净化水质的方法 |
202111142119.9 |
巩宗强、张晓蓉、贾春云、李晓军 |
一种提高污水土壤渗滤系统水力负荷的基质 |
202111141289.5 |
巩宗强、张晓蓉、贾春云、李晓军 |
一种镉污染土壤固废基钝化剂的制备和应用方法 |
202110802000.3 |
贾春云;倪子钧;刘泽浩;常柳;巩宗强;李晓军 |
一种重金属污染土壤的分级稳定化一体化异位修复设备 |
202122375509.2 |
贾春云;常柳;代淑娟;刘泽浩;倪子钧;巩宗强;李晓军 |
一种磁性生物炭制备方法及其装置 |
202010645215.4 |
李晓军、王运涛、巩宗强、贾春云、孙梨宗 |
一种撬装式污染冻土解冻修复设备 |
202020925981.1. |
江志阳,巩宗强,陈欣,尹微 |
1.Zhang XR, Gong ZQ, Allison, G, Li XJ, Jia CY. Joint effects of bacterium and biochar in remediation of antibiotic-heavy metal contaminated soil and responses of resistance gene and microbial community, Chemosphere. 2022
2.Zhang XR, Liao XY, Gong ZQ, Li XJ, Jia CY. Formation of fatty acid methyl ester based microemulsion and removal mechanism of PAHs from contaminated soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 413:125460
3.Li, XJ, Sun, JJ, Li, WS, Gong, ZQ, Jia, CY, Li, PJ. Effect of foliar application of the selenium-rich nutrient solution on the selenium accumulation in grains of Foxtail millet (Zhangzagu 10). Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021)
4.RH Miao, MX Guo, XY Zhao, ZQ Gong, CY Jia, et al. Response of soil bacterial communities to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during the phyto-microbial remediation of a contaminated soil Chemosphere. 2020, 261:127779.
5.Meixia Guo, Zongqiang Gong, Renhui Miao, Chunyun Jia , James Rookes, David Cahill, Jie Zhuang. Enhanced polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation in rhizosphere soil planted with tall fescue: Bacterial community and functional gene expression mechanisms. Chemosphere. 2018,22:15-23.
6.Meixia Guo, Zongqiang Gong, Renhui Miao, James Rookes, David Cahill, Jie Zhuang. Microbial mechanisms controlling the rhizosphere effect of ryegrass on degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an aged-contaminated agricultural soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 113:130-142
7.Meixia Guo, Zongqiang Gong, Xiaojun Li, Graeme Allinson, James Rookes, David Cahill. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons bioavailability in industrial and agricultural soils: Linking SPME and Tenax extraction with bioassays. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 140:191-197
8.Meixia Guo, Zongqiang Gong, Renhui Miao, Dan Su, Xiaojun Li, Chunyun Jia, Jie Zhuang. The influence of root exudates of maize and soybean on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation and soil bacterial community structure. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 99:22-30
9.Guo, M.; Gong, Z.; Allinson, G.; Tai, P.; Miao, R.; Li, X.; Jia, C.; Zhuang, J., Variations in the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in industrial and agricultural soils after bioremediation. Chemosphere 2016, 144, 1513-1520.
10.Xuan Gong, Xinyang Xu, Zongqiang Gong, Xiaojun Li, Chunyun Jia, Meixia Guo, Haibo Li. Remediation of PAH-contaminated soil at a gas manufacturing plant by a combined two-phase partition system washing and microbial degradation process. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015,(22):12001-12010
11.李亚敏,巩宗强,贾春云,李晓军,刘宛. 玉米镉转运基因ZmNramp1的鉴定及对镉胁迫的响应. 生态学杂志. 2021,40(7): 2016-2023. 通讯作者
12.巩宗强,张晓蓉,李晓军,贾春云.非规模化畜禽养殖管理现状及修复技术. 环境保护与循环经济. 2021, 41(3):16-20
13.袁影影、李晓军、贾春云、等,生物柴油基微乳液的制备及其对钢铁厂多环芳烃污染土壤的修复性能.环境工程学报,2020, 14(12):3505-3514.