

台培东,男, 1964年8月生,永利娱高ylg060net,博士,研究员。主要研究方向为污染物多界面过程,重金属污染土壤修复与安全利用。










1. 台培东、贾春云、李朔南,李晓军,赵琼,梁凤芹,李海波,刘宛,巩宗强。菱镁矿区污染土壤生态修复技术,辽宁省科技进步奖二等奖(2016-J-2-38-R02),辽宁省人民政府,2016年。

2. Xue, C.Y., Sun, L.Z., Qu, B., Gao, Y.M., Liu, Z., Guo, C., Liu, W.B., Chang, W.Y., Tai, P.D. Grafting with an invasive Xanthium strumarium improves tolerance and phytoremediation of native congener X. sibiricum to cadmium/copper/nickel tailings. Chemosphere. 2022, 308, 136561. 

3. Sun, L.Z., Xue, C.Y., Guo, C., Jia, C.Y., Yuan, H.H., Pan, X.W., Tai, P.D. Maintenance of grafting reducing cadmium accumulation in soybean (Glycine max) is mediated by DNA methylation. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 847, 157488. 

4. Sun, L.Z., Xue, C.Y., Guo, C., Jia, C.Y., Li, X.J., Tai, P.D. Regulatory actions of rare earth elements (La and Gd) on the cell cycle of root tips in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.). Chemosphere. 2022, 307, 135795. 

5. Xue, C.Y., Gao, Y.M., Qu, B., Tai, P.D., Guo, C., Chang, W.Y., Zhao, G.H. Hybridization with an invasive plant of Xanthium strumarium improves the tolerance of its native congener X. sibiricum to cadmium. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021, 12, 696687. 

6. Xue, C.Y., Tai, P.D., Gao, Y.M., Qu, B. Phytoremediation potential of hybrids of the exotic plant Xanthium strumarium and its native congener Xanthium sibiricum for cadmium-contaminated soils, International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2022, 24, 1292-1300.

7. Sun, L.Z., Jia, C.Y., Xue, C.Y., Guo, C., Li, X.J., Tai, P.D. Mechanism and stability of low cadmium accumulation in grafted soybeans induced by rootstocks. Plant and soil. 2022. 2022, DOI10.1007/s11104- 022-05740-7 

8. Xue, C.Y., Li, L.M., Guo, C., Gao, Y.M., Deng, X., Li, X.J., Tai, P.D., Sun, L.Z. Understanding the role of graphene oxide in affecting PAH biodegradation by microorganisms: An integrated analysis using 16sRNA, metatranscriptomic, and metabolomic approaches. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022.

9. He, L., Wang, H.T., Zhao, Q., Cheng, Z.B., Tai, P.D., Liu, W. Tomato grafting onto Torubamu (Solanum melongena): miR166a and miR395b reduce scion Cd accumulation by regulating sulfur transport, Plant and Soil, 2020, 452, 267-279.

10. Cui, W.N., Tai, P.D., Li, X.J., Jia, C.Y., Yuan, H.H., He, L., Sun, L.Z. A reduction in cadmium accumulation and sulphur containing compounds resulting from grafting in eggplants (Solanum melogena) is associated with DNA methylation, Plant and Soil, 2021, 468, 183-196

11. Yuan, H.H., Tai, P.D., Gustave, W., Xue, F., Sun, L.Z. Grafting as a mitigation strategy to reduce root-to-shoot cadmium translocation in plants of Solanaceae family, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 319, 128708

12. Yuan, H.H., Sun, L.Z., Tai, P.D., Liu, W., Li, X.J., Hao, L. Effects of grafting on root-to-shoot cadmium translocation in plants of eggplant (Solanum melongena) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 652: 989-995


14. 于金龙,孙梨宗,薛晨阳,贾春云,台培东,李英华.生物炭与表面活性剂联合强化淋洗去除污染土壤中PAHs的效果及其机制[J].生态学杂志,2021,40(12):4034-4043.DOI:10.13292/j.1000-4890.202112.008.

15. 王月,孙剑平,孙梨宗,贾春云,台培东.冻融对生物炭稳定化修复中土壤镉形态的影响[J].生态学杂志,2021,40(11):3711-3719.DOI:10.13292/j.1000-4890.202111.004.

16. 高天晗,孙梨宗,台培东,郭橙.嫁接诱导大豆低镉富集性状及遗传稳定性[J].生态学杂志,2021,40(01):140-147.DOI:10.13292/j.1000-4890.202101.004.

17. 高鑫,原红红,孙梨宗,高天晗,翁莉萍,台培东.嫁接诱导植物镉富集性状的改变[J].生态学杂志,2019,38(01):181-187.DOI:10.13292/j.1000-4890.201901.007.

18. 张作金,贾春云,代淑娟,方玥蒙,台培东.菱镁矿区土壤污染及修复试验[J].生态学杂志,2018,37(06):1669-1675.DOI:10.13292/j.1000-4890.201806.004.

19. 邓鑫,周祥,刘志红,李晓军,台培东.Cd~(2+)对伸展摇蚊及黄色羽摇蚊幼虫的毒性效应研究[J].农业环境科学学报,2015,34(09):1640-1645.

20. 邓鑫,刘志红,李晓军,台培东.沉积物中多杀霉素对摇蚊幼虫的慢性毒性效应[J].生态与农村环境学报,2015,31(05):784-788.

21. 台培东,苏丹,刘延斌,李培军,白国华,刘子昌,Verkhozina V A.双台子河口国家自然保护区红海滩景观退化机制研究[J].环境污染与防治,2009,31(01):17-20.

22. 台培东,孙铁珩,李培军,宋玉芳.草原地区城市生活污水土地处理工程生态效应研究[J].中国生态农业学报,2004(03):133-135.

23. 台培东,孙铁珩,贾宏宇,李培军,李文杰.草原地区露天矿排土场土地复垦技术研究[J].水土保持学报,2002(03):90-93.

24. 孙梨宗; 台培东; 原红红; 何蕾; 薛晨阳。一种降低茄类作物可食用部位镉(Cd)含量的方法。发明公开。CN113348885A

25. 孙梨宗; 台培东; 薛晨阳; 郭橙; 崔伟娜; 高天晗。一种降低大豆叶片和籽粒中Cd含量的方法。发明公开。CN115191308A