
Hassan Nazim

Personal information

Father Name : Shah Nazar

Date of birth    : 10-03-1985

Religion : Islam

Marital status : Married

Nationality :Pakistani

Domicile :Swat

Languages : English, Urdu, Pashto and Chinese

Summary of qualification








Northeast Normal University China




University of Malakand.




University of Malakand.




University of Malakand.












University of Peshawar

Ph. D. Research Title

Effects of grazing and mowing on grassland soils, plants, and insects: community properties and ecological stoichiometric linkages (C:N:P)

 Master (M.Phil.) Research Title

Estimation of genetic diversity in local and exotic Phaseolus vulgaris germplasm through morphological and biochemical characterization.

Present status (Continued)

Assistant Professor (special scientific researcher) at Institute of Applied Ecology Chinese Academy of Sciences China (March,2024 till date)

Teaching experience (10 years)

1- Seven years teaching in the Department of Botany at University of Malakand, Pakistan, 2010 to 2016.

2- Three years teaching in the Department of Botany at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, Dir Upper, Pakistan, 2020-2023.

3- One year teaching in the Department of Botany at Government Degree College, Swat, Pakistan, 2009-2010.

Administrative experience (07 Years)

As In-Charge Botanical Garden & Herbarium University of Malakand, Pakistan (2010-2016.  

Awards and honors


Ø Outstanding International Graduate Award from Northeast Normal University, 2020 (China).

Ø Academic Achievement Award from Northeast Normal University, 2019 (China).

Ø Academic Achievements Award from Northeast Normal University, 2018 (China).

Ø Outstanding Individual in Extra co-curricular Activities Award from Northeast Normal University, 2017 (China).

Ø Best photographer award for the year 2018, Northeast Normal University (China).


Ø Merit Certificate holder at MSC Botany level, University of Malakand, 2009 (Pakistan).

Ø Best teacher award for the year 2022, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University (Pakistan).

Skills and developments

1. Stoichiometric linkages among trophic levels in grassland ecosystem and the underlying mechanisms

2. Effect of grazing and mowing on soil, plants and insects (diversity, C:N:P) and plant-insects interaction

3. Community ecology (causes and consequences of biodiversity)

4. Ecosystem restoration and sustainable ecosystem management   

5. Establishment of Botanical Garden and Herbarium

6. DNA extraction, Proteomics (SDS-PAGE), genetic diversity and morphology in legumes

7. Ecological and ethnobotanical surveys of high valued medicinal flora of Pakistan.

Ex-situ conservation

Actively engaged in Ex-situ conservation from 2010 to 2016, conserved a huge number of

plant species in Botanical Garden Department of Botany at University of Malakand.

Ecosystem restoration

Actively engaged in ecosystem restoration from 2010 to 2016, in Botanical Garden and

Herbarium Department of Botany University of Malakand.

Plant systematic

Systematized more than 15, 000 plant species as bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms etc. in Botanical Garden and Herbarium Department of Botany, University of Malakand.

Herbarium collection

Collected, identified and prepared15, 000 herbarium specimens for Herbarium University of Malakand Pakistan (2010- 2016)

Students supervised

Supervised 27 students at BS and MSc, Botany Level, at Department of Botany University of Malakand and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Pakistan.

Projects participated as contributor/researcher

1- Effects of grazing on C:N:P stoichiometry attenuate from soils to plants and insect herbivores in a semiarid grassland in northeastern China.

2- Member of mountain and market biodiversity and business in northern Pakistan supported

        by UNDP, GEF (MM & BB) to explore the medicinal and aromatic plant resources, 2015-16.

3- Remained Technical Assistance of Landscape project at Botanic Garden and

        Herbarium, University of Malakand, Dir Lower, Pakistan 2011-2015.

4- Ecology and estimation of genetic diversity and selection of high yielding genotypes in Phaseolusv ulgaris germplasm.

5- Effects of long-term mowing on plant diversity, biomass, and species composition in a semi-arid grassland in northeastern China.


Trained from top ranked Universities/research centers of Pakistan in ecological surveys, biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of resources, herbarium and botanical garden keeping and management at

1- National Herbarium (NARC) Islamabad, Pakistan.

2- Centre for Plant Conservation, University of Karachi, Pakistan.

3- Shah Abdul Latif University Botanical Garden and Herbarium Khairpur Sindh, Pakistan.

4- University of Baluchistan Quetta Botanical Garden and Herbarium, Pakistan.

5- Baha Ud Din Zakrya University Botanical Garden Multan, Pakistan.

6- Government College University Botanical Garden Lahore, Pakistan.  

7- Qurshi Botanical Garden, Hattar, Pakistan

8- University of Peshawar Botanical Garden and Herbarium, Pakistan.

9- Digitization of Herbaria in Pakistan.

Research based garden established

Established research-oriented Olive Garden, Punica Garden, Rose Garden, Cacti Garden, Jasmine Garden, Cycad Garden, Palm Garden, Kitchen Garden and Quranic Garden at Botanical Garden, University of Malakand, Pakistan.

Seminars and workshops attended

Attended seminars and workshops at international (China) and national (Pakistan) level

Language courses

1- One-year English language course from The CHAINS English Language Centre Pakistan.

2- Six-months Chinese language course from Northeast Normal University (China).

Research articles

1- Nazim Hassanand Zhengwen Wang. Paralleled grazing and mowing differentially affected plant community diversity and productivity in semi-arid grassland.Ecological Processes. 2024.  13:62(Q1).Springer nature.

2- Nazim Hassan,Zhiwei Zhong, Deli Wang, Yu Zhu, Iqra Naeem, Abel Bui Ahungu, HoYi Wan, Xiaofei Li. Effects of long-term mowing on species diversity, biomass and composition of plant community in a semi-arid grassland in northeastern China.Applied vegetation Science. 2023; 26 (3), e12743 (Q1). Wiley.

3- Nazim Hassan,Xiaofei Li, Petri Nummi, Jianyong Wang, Hui Zhu, Deli Wang, Deborah Finke, Zhiwei Zhong. Effect of grazing on C:N:P stoichiometry attenuate from of soils to plants and insect herbivores in a semi-arid grassland.Oecologia. 195:785-795.2021.(Q1). Springer nature.

4- Nazim Hassan,Iram Abdullah, Waqif Khan, Adnan Khan, Naveed Ahmad, Babar Iqbal, Iftikhar Ali, Ahmed M Hassan, Dong-Qin Dai, Khaled El-Kahtany, Shah Fahad. Effect of grazing and mowing on soil physiochemical properties in a semi-arid grassland of Northeast China.Polish Journal of Environmental Studies.33(02)1-11:2024.(SCI).  

5- Nazim Hassan,Zhengwen Wang, Yu Zhu.Effect of synchronized grazing and mowing on stoichiometric linkages and insect community dynamics in semi-arid grassland.Journal of Environmental Management.Revisions will be submitted soon.(Manuscript No.: JEMA-D-24-26118).(Q1). 2025

6- Nazim Hassanand Zhengwen Wang. Non-linear response of arthropod community composition to plant stoichiometry under phosphorus addition. Written and will be submitted toFunctional Ecology(Q1). 2025.

7- Nazim Hassan,Khan Sher, Abdurrab, Iram Abdullah, Umar Zeb, IqraNaeem, Muhammad Shuaib, Hanif Khan, Waqif Khan, Adnan Khan. Effects and mechanism of plant litter on grassland ecosystem: A review.Acta Ecologica Sinica. 41:341-345.2021. (SCI).

8- Nazim Hassan,Umar Zeb, Asfa Batool, Khan Sher, Iqra Naeem, Waqif Khan. Quantitative analysis of medicinal flora uses as herbal remedies in hindukush mountain range, Northern Pakistan.Pakistan Journal of Botany53(5):1807-1819.2021. (SCI).

9- Nazim Hassan,Mohy Ud Din, Faiz Ul Hassan, Iram Abdullah, Yu Zhu, Wang Jinlong, Mohammad Nisar, IlyasIqbal, Syed Fazal Wadood, Syed Sajid Iqbal, Syed Irfanullah Shah, IqraNaeem, Ahsan Sarwar, Muhammad Ihsan, Hanif Khan Umar Zeb. Identification and quantitative analyses of medicinal plants in Shahgram valley, district swat, Pakistan.Acta Ecologica Sinica, 40: 44-51.2020. (SCI).

10- Nazim Hassan, Deli wang, Muhammad Nisar, Zhiwei Zhong, Yu Zhu, Ajmal Iqbal, Saeed Ur Rehman kakar and Abdul Ghafoor. Estimation of genetic diversity and selection of high yielding genotypes inPhaseolus vulgarisgermplasm. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 51(6): 2097-2104.2019. (SCI).

11- Muhammad Subhanullah,Nazim Hassan*, Sajid Ali, Ibrahim. Saleh, Muhammad Ilyas, Bakht Rawan, Waheed Ullah, Babar Iqbal, Mohammad K. Okla, Ibrahim. Alaraidh & Shah Fahad. The detrimental effects of heavy metals on tributaries exert pressure on water quality,Crossocheilus aplocheilus, and the well‑being of human health.Scientific Reports.14:2868:2024.Corresponding AuthorSpringer nature. (Q3).

12- Li Xiofei, Risch Anita, Sanders Dirk, Liu Guofang, Prather Chelse, Wang Zhongnan,Hassan Nazim, Gao Qiang, Wang Deli, Zhong Zhiwei. A facilitation between large herbivores and ants accelerates litter decomposition by modifying soil micro-environmental conditions.Functional Ecology.95:1055-1064,2021.(Q1).

13- Yu zhu, Zhiwei zhong, Jordi f. Pagès, Deborah finke, Deli wang, Quanhui ma,Nazim hassan,Huizhu, Ling wang. Negative effects of vertebrate on invertebrate herbivores mediated by enhanced plant nitrogen content.Journal of Ecology,107:901–912.2019.(Q1).

14- Xiaofei Li, Zhiwei Zhong, Dirk Sanders, Christian Smit, Deli Wang, Petri Nummi, Yu Zhu, Ling Wang, Hui Zhu andNazim Hassan. Reciprocal facilitation between large herbivores and ants in semi-arid grassland.Proceedings B,Royal Society, 285: 20181665.2018. (Q1).

15- Iqra Naeem, Talal Asif, Xuefeng Wu,Nazim Hassan, Liu Yiming, Hongjun Wang, Ling Wang, Deli Wang. Species diversity induces idiosyncratic effects on litter decomposition in a degraded meadow steppe.Frontiers in Environmental Science.9: 1-13.2021.(Q2).

16- Waqif Khan, Adnan Khan, Abd Ullah, Syed Inzimam Ul Haq,Nazim Hassan,Babar Iqbal, Naveed Ahmad, Eman A. Mahmoud, Hosam O. Elansary. Insights concerning advancing the agroecological sustainability of salinity tolerance through proteomics profiling of hexaploid wheat (TriticumaestivumL.)SouthAfrican Journal of Botany158 (2023) 142148. (Q2).

17- Muhammad Subhanullah,Nazim Hassan,Gouhar Rahman, Bakht Rawan, Waheed Ullah, and Muhammad Ilyas. Concentration of particulate matter and its impact on public health in Different cities in Pakistan-A Review.Environmental Forensics, 1–17.2024(SCI).

18- Nazim Hassan, Iram Abdullah, Mohammad Nisar, Umar Zeb, Effects and mechanism of mowing on grassland vegetation: A review.Pakistan Journal of Botany. Accepted for publication.2021. (SCI).

19- Mohammad Nisar, Attaullah Mian, Ajmal Iqbal, Zakia Ahmad,Nazim Hassan,Muhammad Laiq, Muhammad Salam, Fatih Hanci. A detailed characterization of the Common Bean Genetic Diversity in the hidden gene center of Pakistan: Malakand Division.Molecular biology. 73(6) 816-822.2020. (SCI).

20- Nazim Hassan, M. Ud Din, M. Shuaib, F. Ul-Hassan, Y. Zhu, Y. Chen, M. Nisar, I. Iqbal, P. Zada, A. Iqbal. Quantitative analysis of medicinal plants consumption in the highest mountainous region of Bahrain Valley, Northern Pakistan.Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 9(1):35-49.2019. (SCI)

21- Sajjad Ali, Syed Zahir Shah, Muhammad Saleem Khan, Wisal Muhammad Khan, Zahid Khan,Nazim Hassan,Umar Zeb. Floristic list, ecological features and biological spectrum of district Nowshera, Khyber, Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.Acta Ecologica Sinica,39(2): 133-141.2019.(SCI).

22- Nazim Hassan,HazratWali, Faiz-Ul-Hassan, Muhammad Shuaib, Mohammad Nisar, Mohy Ud Din, Syed Fazal Wadood, Syed Sadaqat Shah, Murad Ali, Muzammil Shah, Ikramullah Khan, Fida Hussain. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used for primary health care in Shergarh, District Mardan, Pakistan.Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry.8 (5) 3575 – 3582.2018.

23- Nazim Hassan,Mohy Ud Din, Faiz-Ul-Hassan, Mohammad Nisar, Aimal Khan, Syed Sadaqat Shah, Sajjad Ahmed, Saddam Hussain, Waqif Khan, Ajmal Iqbal, Haider Ali. Medicinal plants consumption in Darmai Valley, Swat District, Pakistan. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Science. 12(5) 120-129.2018.

24- Abd Ullah,Nazim Hassan, Rohul Amin, Adnan Khan, Lixuan Shi, Mingxia Li.2018.Quantitative ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used as remedy in Mera, District Charsadda, KP, Pakistan.Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Science.12(5)163-173.2018.

25- Muhammad Shuaib, Kashif Ali, Sajjad Ahmed, Firasat Hussain, Muhammad Ilyas,Nazim Hassan,Ikramullah Khan, Fida Hussain.Impact of rapid urbanization on the floral diversity and agriculture land of district Dir, Pakistan.Acta Ecologica Sinica,38(6):394-400.(2018). (SCI).

26- Tariq Aslam, Syed Sadaqat Shah, Sajjad Ahmed,Nazim Hassan,Mu Peng, Saddam Hussain and Zhijian Li2018.Antimicrobial evaluation of various leaves extracted samples of nettle desert (Forsskaolea tenacissimaL.). Pure and Applied Biology., 7(1): 152-159,2018.

27- Iram Abdullah,Nazim Hassan,Mushtaq Ahmad, Muhammad Zafar, Ling Wang, Tongtong Xu. Identification and ethnomedicinal survey of profitable halophytes of District Chakwal, Pakistan.J. Bio. Env. Sci.13;(2), 209-224,2018.

28- Nazim Hassan,Deli Wang, Mohammad Shuaib, Zhiwei Zhong, Mohammad Nisar, Waqas Ahmad, Sajjad Ahmed and Aimal Khan. Identification and ethnobotanical survey of profitable medicinal plants used as remedy in Sangina Pakistan. International Journal of Herbal Medicine. 5(4): 117-123,2017.

29- Nazim Hassan,Mohammad Nisar, Saeed Ur Rehman Kakar, Faiz Ul Hassan, Zhiwei Zhong, LiYi Nong, Mohammad Ijaz Khan, Mohammad Shuaib and Deli Wang.2017. Determination of informant consensus factor of medicinal plants used as therapy in district Dir Lower Pakistan. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 5(4): 183-188,2017.

30- Nazim Hassan, Deli Wang, Zhiwei Zhong, Mohammad Nisar, Yu Zhu. Determination and analysis of informant consensus factor of medicinal plant species used as remedy in Northern Pakistan.Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Science.11(2), 117-133,2017.

31- Murad Ali, Rafia Begum, Kishwar Ali, Mohammad Nisar, Waqar Khan,Nazim Hassan, NisarUddin, Syed FazalWadood, Shams UzZaman, Inayat Ur Rahman, Nasrullah Khan.Ethnobotanical survey of wild medicinal plants of Tirat Valley district Swat, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Science.11(3), 91-101,2017.

32- Sajjad Ali, Muhammad Shuaib, Hazart Ali, Sami Ullah, Kashif Ali, Saddam Hussain,Nazim Hassan,Umar Zeb, Wisal Muhammad Khan and FidaHussain.2017. Floristic list and their ecological characteristics, of plants at village Sherpao District Charsadda, KP-Pakistan. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies; 5(5): 295-299,2017.

33- Syed Fazal Wadood,Nazim Hassan,AnelaKhaliq, Nausheen,Tourjan, Abdul Ghafoor, Murad Khan, Mohammad Nisar. Genetic Polymorphism inLens culinariscollected from Malakand Division Khayber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan" Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Science. 8(2), 53-60, 2016.

34- Nazim Hassan, Mohammad Nisar, Syed Fazal Wadood, Murad Khan, Habib Ur Rahman, Mohammad Zahoor. Estimation of Genetic variation in Cupressus sempervirens growing in different ecological zones of Malakand division, KP, Pakistan. International Journal of Bioscience. 8(5), 15-21, 2016.


1- Zhengwen Wang(Professor)

Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang China.

Email: wangzw@iae.ac.cn

2-Deli Wang (Professor and Dean)

Institute of grassland sciences, key laboratory of vegetation ecology,

Northeast Normal University, Jilin, China.

E. mail: wangd@nenu.edu.cn