  • 杨伟超副研究员


























1. 重点研发子课题,新型增碳保氮小分子有机碳肥产品开发与应用,2023-202770万元,主持。

2. 辽宁省科技计划项目,提高土壤肥力和作物产量的新型小分子碳肥技术及产品研制,2023-202530万元,主持。

3. 重点研发子课题,维C发酵伴生依赖性解除技术及废渣液资源化利用,2021-2025112万元,副主持

4. 院企合作项目,新型生物有机碳肥开发,2021-2025150万元,主持

5. 院企合作项目,食品微生物菌种选育及发酵新技术,2020-202350万元,主持

6. 沈阳市科技计划项目,维C行业大宗工业固废(废母液)资源化利用关键技术研究,2022-202430万元,主持。

7. 中央引导地方资金项目,Ketogulonicigenium vulgareBacillus cereus共生机理研究,2022-202520万元,课题负责人。

8. 院企合作项目,资源型厕所专用微生物菌剂开发,2017-201810万元,主持

9. 新药创制科技重大专项子课题,维生素C二步发酵太空诱变育种及其新技术改造2011-2013,主持


1. Dan Dong, Weichao Yang*, Hao Sun, Mingfu Gao, Shuang Kong, Hui Xu*. Fertilization regimes impacts CO2 emission of rainfed maize field in an acidic luvisol. Plant and Soil, 2024. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s11104-024-06572-3

2. Dan Dong#, Weichao Yang#, Hao Sun, Shuang Kong, Hui Xu*. Effects of animal manure and nitrification inhibitor on N2O emissions and soil carbon stocks of a maize cropping system in Northeast China. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12, 15202.

3. Dan Dong, Weichao Yang*, Hao Sun, Shuang Kong, Hui Xu. Nitrogen fertilization decrease soil CO2 emission in a rainfed maize field in Northeast China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29(54), 81256-81264.

4. Dan Dong, Weichao Yang*, Hao Sun, Shuang Kong, Hui Xu*, Effects of split application of urea on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from a rainfed maize field in northeast China. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, 743.

5. Mingfu Gao, Hao Sun, Meijun Shi, Qiqi Wu, Dongxu Ji, Bing Wang, Lixing Zhang, Yang Liu, Litao Han, Xicheng Ruan, Hui Xu*, Weichao Yang*. 2-keto-L-gulonic acid improved the salt stress resistance of non-heading Chinese cabbage by increasing L-ascorbic acid accumulation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12, 697184.

6. Dan Dong, Weichao Yang*, Hao Sun, Shuang Kong, Hui Xu*. Nitrous oxide emissions in response to long-term application of the nitrification inhibitor DMPP in an acidic luvisol. Applied Soil Ecology, 2021, 159, 103861.

7. Weichao Yang, Hao Sun, Dan Dong, Shuang Ma, Manddla*, Zhenxing Wang, Hui Xu*. Enhanced 2-keto-L-gulonic acid production by a mixed culture of Ketogulonicigenium vulgare and Bacillus megaterium using three-stage temperature control strategy. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology2021, 52, 257-265.

8. Mandlaa, Ziyu Sun, Ruigang Wang, Xiaodong Han, Hui Xu, Weichao Yang*, Enhanced 2-keto-L-gulonic acid production by applying L-sorbose-tolerant helper strain in the co-culture system, AMB Express, 2018, 8, 30.

9. Weichao Yang, Litao Han, Mandlaa Mandlaa, Haihong Zhang, Zhongze Zhang, Hui Xu*, A plate method for rapid screening of Ketogulonicigenium vulgare mutants for enhanced 2-keto-L-gulonic acid production, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2017, 48, 397-402.

10. Weichao Yang, Hui Xu*. Industrial fermentation of vitamin C, in Industrial Biotechnology of Vitamins, Biopigments, and Antioxidants,1st edn (eds E.J. Vandamme and J.L. Revuelta), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA, 15400, 2016.

11. Weichao Yang, Litao Han, Mandlaa Mandlaa, Hongquan Chen, Mingyan Jiang, Zhongze Zhang, Hui Xu*, Spaceflight-induced enhancement of 2-keto-L-gulonic acid production by a mixed culture of Ketogulonigenium vulgare and Bacillus thuringiensis, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2013, 57, 54-62.

12. Mandlaa#, Weichao Yang#, Litao Han, Zhenyu Wang, Hui Xu*, Two-helper-strain co-culture system: a novel method for enhancement of 2-keto-L-gulonic acid production, Biotechnology Letters, 2013, 35, 1853-1857.

13. Mandlaa, Weichao Yang*, Chengbin Liu, Hui Xu*,L-sorbose is not only a substrate for 2-keto-l-gulonic acid production in the artificial microbial ecosystem of two strains mixed fermentation, Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2015, 42, 897-904.

14. Meijun Shi, Mingfu Gao, Hao Sun, Weichao Yang, Hongxia Zhao, Lixin Zhang, Hui Xu*,Exogenous 2-keto-L-gulonic acidsupplementation as a novelapproach to enhancing L-ascorbicacid biosynthesis in Zebrafish (Daniorerio). Animals, 2023, 13, 2502.

15. Bing Wang, Hao Sun, Weichao Yang, Mingfu Gao, Xin Zhong, Lixin Zhang, Zhenyu Chen, Hui Xu*, Potential utilization of vitamin C industrial effluents in agriculture: Soil fertility and bacterial community composition, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 851(2), 158253.

16. Dongxu Ji, Hao Sun*, Weichao Yang, Mingfu Gao, Hui Xu*, Transfer of human microbiome to Drosophila gut model. Microorganisms, 2022, 10, 553.

17. Shuang Ma, Hao Sun, Weichao Yang, Mingfu Gao, Hui Xu*. Impact of Probiotic Combination in InR[E19]/TM2 Drosophila melanogaster on Longevity, Related Gene Expression, and Intestinal Microbiota: A Preliminary Study. Microorganisms, 2020, 8(7), 1027.

18. Yuting Li, Hao Sun, Weichao Yang, Guanxiong Chen, Hui Xu*. Dynamics of Bacterial and Viral Communities in Paddy Soil with Irrigation and Urea Application. Viruses, 2019, 11(4), 347.

19. Yuling Dong, Hao Sun, Weichao Yang, Shuang Ma, Beibei Du, Hui Xu*. The Effect of Inulin on Lifespan, Related Gene Expression and Gut Microbiota in InRp5545/TM3 Mutant Drosophila melanogaster: A Preliminary Study. Nutrients, 2019, 11(3), 636.

20.  Yuling Dong, Zhenyu Wang, Hao Sun, Weichao Yang, Hui Xu*, The response patterns of arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal symbionts under elevated CO2: a meta-analysis. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9, 01248.

21. Dan Dong, Yongping Kou, Weichao Yang, Guanxiong Chen, Hui Xu*, Effects of urease and nitrification inhibitors on nitrous oxide emissions and nitrifying/denitrifying microbial communities in a rainfed maize soil: A 6-year field observation, Soil & Tillage Research, 2018, 180, 82-90.

22. Zhenyu Wang, Tao Kong, Song Hu, Hao Sun, Weichao Yang, Yongping Kou, Mandlaa Mandlaa, Hui Xu*, Nitrification inhibitors mitigate earthworm-induced N2O emission- a mesocosm study, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2015, 1005-1011.

23. Shuxia Lyu*, Zhiyong Guo, Jian Pan, Yu Yang, Weichao Yang, Hongquan Chen, Zhongze Zhang, Effect of rare earth elements on vitamin C fermentation by mixed cultures, International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2014, 16, 1135-1140.

24. Rongjiu Shi*, Ying Zhang, Weichao Yang, Hui Xu*, Microbial community characterization of an UASB treating increased organic loading rates of vitamin C biosynthesis wastewater, Water Science and Technology, 2012, 65, 254-261.

25. Li Nan, Weichao Yang, Yongqian Liu, Hui Xu, Ying Li, Manqi Lu, Ke Yang*, Antibacterial mechanism of copper-bearing antibacterial stainless steel against E.coli, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2008, 24(2), 197-201.

26. Li Nan, Yongqian Liu, Weichao Yang, Hui Xu, Ying Li, Manqi Lu, Ke Yang*, Study on antibacterial properties of copper-containing antibacterial stainless steels, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2007, 43(10), 1065-1070.

27. 杨伟超, 南黎, 李慧, 徐慧*, 吕曼祺, 杨柯, 含铜抗菌不锈钢的抗菌性能研究, 微生物学杂志, 2009, 29(3), 1-7.


1. Regulating solution, fertilizer and soil conditioner for increasing vitamin C content of plants as well as preparation and application thereof, 2021-8-25, WIPO, AU2021104231

2. 一种虫草素转化为3-脱氧肌苷的生物转化方法,ZL201810022149.8

3. 一种以北虫草废弃培养基和维生素C发酵废弃物古龙酸母液生产有机肥及其制备方法,ZL201310694730.1

4. 一种用于培养混合微生物的装置及其培养方法ZL201310509183.5

5. 一种利用三种菌混合发酵转化山梨糖2-酮基-L-古龙酸的方法,ZL201210453539.3

6. 一种古龙酸的高温发酵的方法,ZL201110329992.9

7. 一种剩余活性污泥的深度脱水方法,ZL201010101618.9

8. 生物催化菌株在把右旋磷霉素转变为左旋磷霉素中的应用,ZL201010616042.X

9. 以维生素C发酵废弃物生产菌体蛋白和多肽有机肥的方法,ZL200910248459.2

10. 一种应用发酵尾气提高发酵效率的方法,ZL200810229323.2

11. 一种阿特拉津除草剂降解菌及其菌剂制备方法,ZL200710012981.1

12. 一种应用Vc发酵醪液生产氨基酸肥的方法,ZL200710012580.6

13. 一种测定植物的一氧化二氮排放量的方法,ZL200710158574.1
