2012.11~现 在:永利娱高ylg060net二级研究员
1. Liu XT, Zhang XK*, Li YB, Du XF, Tian YJ, Liu HW, Steinberger Y, Liang WJ*. 2023. Microfauna community assembly and cascading relationship with microflora in cropland ecosystems along a latitudinal gradient. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 357: 108678
2. Kou XC, Morien E, Tian YJ, Zhang XK*, Lu CY, Xie HT, Liang WJ, Li Q*, Liang C. 2023. Exogenous carbon turnover within the soil food web strengthens soil carbon sequestration through microbial necromass accumulation. Global Change Biology, 29: 4069-4080
3. Liu HW, Du XF, Li YB, Han X, Li B, Zhang XK, Li Q*, Liang WJ*. 2022. Organic substitutions improve soil quality and maize yield through increasing soil microbial diversity. Journal of Cleaner Production, 347: 131323
4. van den Hoogen J*, Geisen S, Routh D, Ferris H, Traunspurger W, Wardle DA, de Goede RGM, Adams BJ, Ahmad W, Andriuzzi WS, Bardgett RD, Bonkowski M, Campos-Herrera R, Cares JE, Caruso T, Caixeta LD, Chen XY, Costa SR, Creamer R, Castro JMD, Dam M, Djigal D, Escuer M, Griffiths BS, Gutierrez C, Hohberg K, Kalinkina D, Kardol P, Kergunteuil A, Korthals G, Krashevska V, Kudrin AA, Li Q, Liang WJ, Magilton M, Marais M, Martin JAR, Matveeva E, Mayad E, Mulder C, Mullin P, Neilson R, Nguyen TAD, Nielsen UN, Okada H, Rius JEP, Pan K, Peneva V, Pellissier L, da Silva JCP, Pitteloud C, Powers TO, Powers K, Quist CW, Rasmann S, Moreno SS, Scheu S, Setala H, Sushchuk A, Tiunov AV, Trap J, van der Putten W, Vestergard M, Villenave C, Waeyenberge L, Wall DH, Wilschut R, Wright DG, Yang JI, Crowther TW*. 2019. Soil nematode abundance and functional group composition at a global scale. Nature, 572: 194-198
5. Li YB, Li Q*, Yang JJ, Lü XT, Liang WJ*, Han XG, Bezemer TM. 2017. Home-filed advantages of litter decomposition increase with increasing N deposition rates: alitter and soil perspective. Functional Ecology, 31: 1792-1801
6. Zhang XK, Wu X, Zhang SX, Xing YH, Wang R, Liang WJ*. 2014. Orgaic amendment effects on aggregate-associated organic C, microbial biomass C and glomalin agricultural soils. Catena, 123: 188-194
7. Zhang SX, Li Q, Zhang XP, Wei K, Chen LJ, Liang WJ*. 2012. Effects of conservation tillage on soil aggregation and aggregate binding agents in black soil of Northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research, 124: 196-202
8. Liang WJ*, Lou YL, Li Q, Zhong S, Zhang XK, Wang JK. 2009. Nematode faunal response to long-term application of nitrogen fertilizer and organic manure in Northeast China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41: 883-890
9. Li Q, Liang WJ, Zhang XK, Md Mahamood. 2017. Soil Nematodes of Grasslands in Northern China. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press and London: Academic Press
10. 张晓珂, 梁文举, 李琪等著. 2013. 长白山森林土壤线虫—形态分类与分布格局. 北京:中国农业出版社
1. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目“辽河平原玉米花生间作对土壤生物健康的影响机制”(编号:U22A20501),2023~2026
2. 国家科技基础资源调查专项课题“东部农区土壤线虫多样性及物种分布调查”(编号:2018FY100304),2019~2023
3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“长期施肥条件下土壤生物对团聚体稳定性的影响机制”(编号:31330011),2014~2018
4. 国家973计划课题“土壤水养源汇容量和缓冲能力拓展机理与扩增途径”(编号:2011CB100504),2011~2015
5. 国家863计划课题“新型高效肥料研制与产业化”(编号:2001AA246021),2001~2005
地址:辽宁省沈阳市沈河区文化路72号 永利娱高ylg060net