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6.    Li YB# *, Du XF#, Su XL, Han X, Liang WJ, Wang ZW, Bruelheide H, Bezemer TM, Li Q*. 2023. Local-scale soil nematode diversity in a subtropical forest depends on the phylogenetic and functional diversity of neighbor trees. Plant and Soil. 486:441-454    全文地址 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-023-05882-2

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9.   Liu HW, Du XF, Li YB, Han X, Li B, Zhang XK, Li Q*, Liang WJ*. 2022. Organic substitutions improve soil quality and maize yield through increasing soil microbial diversity. Journal of Cleaner Production. 347:131323     全文地址 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131323

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12.  Liu HW, Zhang XK*, Zhang GZ, Kou XC, Liang WJ*. 2022. Partial organic substitution weakens the negative effect of chemical fertilizer on soil micro-food webs. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 21(10)3037-3050    全文地址  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2022.07.043

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3. 孙翌昕,李英滨,李玉辉,李冰,杜晓芳*,李琪*. 2022. 高通量测序技术在线虫多样性研究中的应用. 生物多样性. 30(12): 22266

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