通信地址:永利娱高ylg060net Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
沈阳市沈河区文化路72号Wenhua Road 72, Shenyang 110016, China
教育背景(Education background):
1996-2000 内蒙古大学,理学学士Inner Mongolia University, Ecology, Bachelor
2000-2003 永利娱高ylg060net,理学硕士Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ecology, Master
2005-2008永利娱高ylg060net,农学博士Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Soil Science, Ph.D.
2003.07-2006.07 永利娱高ylg060net,研究实习员
2006.08-2010.07 永利娱高ylg060net,助理研究员
2010.08-2018.08 永利娱高ylg060net,副研究员
2018.09-至今 永利娱高ylg060net,研究员
国外访学(Oversea experience):
2012年5月-2012年11月 美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学进行访问研究
研究领域(Research interests)
荣誉与奖励 (Awards):
国家重点研发计划子课题:黑土地土壤有机质分解阻控的生物质炭调控技术 (2022YFD1500302-5)( 2022.11-2027.10,60万元)
国家重点研发计划子课题:辽河平原退化棕壤耕地质量立体监测与预警系统示范(2021YFD1500105-5)( 2021.12-2026.11,200万元)
沈阳市科技计划项目:沈阳市黑土地耕地质量监测与评价研究 (22-317-2-01)( 2022.9-2024.12,50万元)
辽宁省科技计划项目:东北黑土农田有机质库构建机理与土壤综合功能提升技术 (2020JH2/10200025)(2020.6-2022.12,30万元)
国家自然科学面上基金项目:免耕秸秆覆盖对东北黑土区土壤氮素转化更新和去向的影响 (41671290) (2017-2020, 79.20万元)
国家重点研发计划子课题:典型黑土春玉米田氮磷淋溶的阻控机制(2016YFD0800103-3) (2016-2020, 79万元)
中科院特色研究所任务:东北及黄淮海平原肥料减施替代技术集成与示范” (2015-2018, 32.55万元)
国家自然科学青年基金项目:有机肥施用对设施菜地土壤可溶性有机氮运移及淋溶损失的影响研究”(41001176) (2011-2013, 22万元)
国家科技支撑计划专题:规模化猪场粪污无害化处理与资源化利用技术研究与示范效果评价”(2007BAD71B06) (2007-2010, 28万元)
研究所青年创新群体子任务:农田土壤C、N转化相关生物学过程对大气CO2和O3浓度升高的响应”(2010-2013, 20万元)
1. Yuan Lei#, Liu Yan#, He Hongbo, Zhu Tongbin, Chen Xin, Zhang Xudong, Liang Chao, Xie Hongtu, Zhang Jinbo, Müller Christoph, Zhao Xu, Yan Xiaoyuan, Lu Caiyan*. Effects of long-term no-tillage and maize straw mulching on gross nitrogen transformations in Mollisols of Northeast China. Geoderma, 2022, 428: 116194.
2. Yuan Lei#, Chen Xin#, Jia Jingchao, Chen Huaihai, Shi Yi, Ma Jian, Liang Chao, Liu Yan, Xie Hongtu, He Hongbo, Zhang Xudong, Peng Xiuyuan, Lu Caiyan*. Stover mulching and inhibitor application maintain crop yield and decrease fertilizer N input and losses in no-till cropping systems in Northeast China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2021, 312: 107360.
3. Chen Huaihai#, Liu Yan#, Lv Liping, Yuan Lei, Jia Jingchao, Chen Xin, Ma Jian, Zhao Jinxi, Liang Chao, Xie Hongtu, He Hongbo, Zhang Xudong, Lu Caiyan*, Chi Guangyu*. Effects of no-tillage and stover mulching on the transformation and utilization of chemical fertilizer N in Northeast China[J]. Soil & Tillage Research, 2021, 213: 105131.
4. Caiyan Lu, Huaihai Chen, Zhenzhen Teng, Lei Yuan, Jian Ma, Hongbo He, Xin Chen*, Xudong Zhang, Yi Shi. 2018. Effects of N fertilization and maize straw on the dynamics of soil organic N and amino acid N derived from fertilizer N as indicated by 15N labeling. Geoderma, 321, 118-126.
5. Caiyan Lu, Hongyan Wang, Huaihai Chen, Lei Yuan, Jian Ma, Yi Shi, Xudong Zhang, Hongbo He, Xin Chen*. 2018. Effects of N fertilization and maize straw on the transformation and fate of labeled (15NH4)2SO4 among three continuous crop cultivations. Agricultural Water Management, 208, 275-283.
6. Yanhong Cao, Yi Shi, Xinchao Sun, Caiyan Lu*, Xueyan Liu. 2018. Effects of elevated ozone on the contribution of nitrogen rhizodeposition by spring wheat to different soil N pools. Plant and Soil, 425, 321-333.
7. Caiyan Lu*, Yanhong Cao, Chuanrui He, Xuelian Bao, Rui Fang, Yongzhuang Wang, Xin Chen, Yi Shi, Qi Li. 2016. Effects of elevated O3 and CO2 on the relative contribution of carbohydrates to soil organic matter in an agricultural soil. Soil and Tillage Research, 159, 47-55.
8. Yanhong Cao, Caiyan Lu*, Zhi Quan, Yongzhuang Wang, Bin Huang, Yi Shi. 2016. Elevated O3 decreased N rhizodeposition of spring wheat and its availability to subsequent buckwheat. Soil and Tillage Research, 162, 18-25.
9. Zhi Quan, Bin huang, Caiyan Lu*, Yi Shi, Xin Chen, Haiyang Zhang, Yunting Fang. 2016. The fate of fertilizer nitrogen in a high nitrate accumulated agricultural soil. Scientific Reports, 6, 21539.
10. Yajie Zhao, Caiyan Lu*, Yi Shi, Bin Huang, Xin Chen*. 2016. Soil fertility and fertilization practices affect accumulation and leaching risk of reactive N in greenhouse vegetable soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 96, 281-288.
11. Caiyan Lu, Daniel Bowman, Thomas Rufty, Wei Shi. 2015. Reactive nitrogen in Turfgrass systems: Relations to Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties. Journal of Environmental Quality, 44(1), 210-218.
12. Caiyan Lu, Rui Fang, Qi Li, Yongzhuang Wang, Jianguo Zhu, Jian Ma, Xin Chen*, Yi Shi*. 2015. Elevated O3 and wheat cultivars influence the relative contribution of plant and microbe-derived carbohydrates to soil organic matter. Applied Soil Ecology, 86(2), 131-136.
13. Caiyan Lu, Daniel Bowman, Thomas Rufty, Wei Shi*. 2015. Reactive nitrogen in Turfgrass systems: Relations to Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties. Journal of Environmental Quality, 44(1), 210-218.
14. Zhi Quan, Bin Huang, Caiyan Lu*, Yi Shi, Yanhong Cao, Yongzhuang Wang, Chuanrui He, Guangyu Chi, Jian Ma, Xin Chen. 2015. Nitrogen accumulation and loss in a high-input greenhouse vegetable cropping system elevated by application of manures. Hortscience, 50(11), 1688-1693.
15. Zhi Quan, Caiyan Lu*, Yi Shi*, Xin Chen, Bin Huang, Yongzhuang Wang, Yajie Zhao, Jian Ma. 2015. Manure increase the leaching risk of soil extractable organic nitrogen in intensively irrigated greenhouse vegetable cropping systems. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 65(3), 199-207.
16. Caiyan Lu, Xin Chen*, Shanmin Shen, Yi Shi, Jian Ma, Muqiu Zhao. 2013. Use efficiency and residual effect of 15N-labelled ryegrass green manure over a 9-year field micro-plot experiment. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 13(3), 544-555.
17. Caiyan Lu, Xudong Zhang, Xin Chen, Yi Shi, Jian Ma, Muqiu Zhao, Guangyu Chi, Bin Huang. 2010. Fixation of labeled (15NH4)2SO4 and its subsequent release in black soil of Northeast China over consecutive crop cultivation. Soil and tillage research, 106: 329-334.
18. Caiyan Lu, Jian Ma, Xin Chen, Xudong Zhang, Yi Shi, Bin Huang. 2010. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and maize straw incorporation on NH4+-15N and NO3--15N accumulation in black soil of Northeast China among three consecutive cropping cycles. Journal of soil science and plant nutrition, 10(4): 443-453.
19. Caiyan Lu, Qingzhong Zhang, Muqiu Zhao, Yi Shi, Xin Chen. 2008. Accumulation and profile distribution of soil mineralized nitrogen in fallow season. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 39(5&6): 707-714.