2006.09-2009.06 永利娱高ylg060net 理学博士
2003.09-2006.06 沈阳师范大学,
中国科学院联合培养 理学硕士
1999.09-2003.06 沈阳师范大学 理学学士
2009.07-2012.09 永利娱高ylg060net 助理研究员
2012.10至今 永利娱高ylg060net 副研究员
1. 2021-2023,辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”项目-青年拔尖人才,《辽宁地区水生鞘翅目资源库建设》,项目批准号:XLYC2007044,50万
2. 2020-2021,中国科学院战略生物资源能力建设项目《中国龙虱科模式标本厘定及馆藏标本数据库构建》,项目批准号:KFJ-BRP-017-30,20万
3. 2016-2019,国家自然科学基金面上项目,《基于形态及分子数据的中国溪泥甲科系统发育研究》,项目批准号:31572310,74.1万
4. 2018-2021,国家自然科学基金面上项目,《我国及东南亚地区东方牙甲属的形态分类及系统发育关系》,项目批准号: 31772512,69.3万
5. 2013-2015,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,《中国溪泥甲科分类研究》,项目批准号:31201742,23万
1. 2012-2016,长白山珍惜濒危植物保育技术,国家科技支撑计划子课题,55万
2. 2010-2012,基于模拟植物群落研究大气CO2浓度升高对森林食叶昆虫的影响, 国家自然科学基金项目,29万
3. 2012-2014,植物源农药研制开发,辽宁省农业科技攻关项目,30万
4. 2008-2012,气候变化对林业生物灾害影响及适应对策研究,国家林业局项目,20万
5. 2010-2011,我国林业疫害生物防控标准体系研究,国家林业局项目,20万
6. 2006-2009,中国龙虱科分类与区系研究,中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目,13万
1. 2008年访问维也纳自然历史博物馆,与H.Sch?nmann博士合作开展Pelthydrus 属研究工作。
2. 2014访问维也纳自然历史博物馆,与G.Wewalka博士合作开展Allopcharia属研究工作
3. 2015年访问维也纳自然历史博物馆,与M.J?ch博士开展溪泥甲科的系统分类工作。
4. 2018年访问捷克自然历史博物馆,与J.Hajak博士合作开展Neptosternus属的分类工作;鉴定Pelthydrus属部分馆藏标本。
5. 2019年访问维也纳自然历史博物馆与M.J?ch博士开展Grouvellinus的分类修订工作。
1. Bian, D.J* & Zhang, Y. 2023. Descriptions of eight new species of Grouvellinus from China (Coleoptera, Elmidae). Zootaxa 5254 (2): 257–277.
2. Bian, D.J* & Zhang, Y. 2022. Three new species of the genus Zaitzevia Champion, 1923 from China (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Macronychini). Zootaxa 5190 (2): 257–266.
3. Bian, D.J*. & Wang Z. X. 2021. A new species of the genus Urumaelmis Sat?, and the first record of the genus from China (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Zootaxa 5023 (1): 142–146.
4. Dong X. & Bian, D. J.* 2021. Three new species and two new records of Helochares (Hydrobaticus) MacLeay, 1871 from China (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae). Zootaxa 4950 (1): 166–180.
5. Dong,X. & Bian, D.J.*. 2020. A new species of the genus Graphelmis DELèVE, 1968 from China (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Zootaxa,4728 (4): 483–488.
6. Bian, D.J., J?ch, M.A. 2019. Revision of the species Grouvellinus Champion, 1923 (Coleoptera: Elmidae) with long median pronotal carina, including descriptions of four new species from China. Zootaxa 4586 (1): 127–140. (SCI)
7. Zhu, BY, Ji, L.Z. & Bian D.J*. 2019. A new species of Pelthydrus (s. str.) Orchymont, 1919 from Yunnan, China (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Hydrophilinae: Laccobiini). Zootaxa 4614 (3): 593–599. (SCI)
8. Peng YF,Ji L.Z.,Bian D.J*. et al. 2019. Description of Laccobius (s. str.) shengshanensis sp. n. from China (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Zootaxa, 2019, 4691(2): 197-200. (SCI)
9. Jia F.L., Angus R.B. & Bian D.J. 2019. Two new species of Coelostoma Brulle, 1835 from China (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Sphaeridiinae). Aquatic Insects, 2019, 40(4): 291-299. (SCI)
10. Bian, D.J., Dong, X. & Peng Y.F. 2018. Two new species of the genus Dryopomorphus Hinton, 1936 from China (Coleoptera, Elmidae). Zookeys 765: 51-58. (SCI)
11. Bian, D.J., J?ch, M.A. 2018. Revision of the Chinese species of the genus Grouvellinus Champion, 1923 (Coleoptera: Elmidae) .The G. acutus species group. Zootaxa, 4387(1): 174-182. (SCI)
12. Peng YF,Ji L.Z.,Bian D.J. * et al. 2018. Description of Neptosternus haibini sp. nov. from China (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Laccophilinae). Zootaxta, 4500 (4): 581-586. (SCI)
13. Zhu, BY, Ji, L.Z. & Bian D.J*. 2018. A new species and a new record of Pelthydrus Orchymont, 1919 from Yunnan, China (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Hydrophilinae). Zootaxa 4438 (1): 189-194. (SCI)
14. Bian, DJ.,Sun HB. 2016. A key to Grouvellinus Champion, 1923 from mainland China with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera, Elmidae). ZooKeys 623: 89–104. (SCI)
15. Bian, DJ., Zhang, Y., Ji, LZ. 2015. Microdytes huangyongensis sp. n. and new records of Allopachria Zimmermann, 1924 from Zhejiang Province, China (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Zootaxa, Zootaxa 4040 (4): 469–471. (SCI)
16. Ji LZ, Guo C., Bian, DJ.2014. Allopachria longyanensis sp. n. from China (Coleoptera: Dytisicidae). Zootaxa, 3755 (2): 194 – 196. (SCI)
17. Song, KQ, Xue HJ, Beutel RG, Bai M, Bian, DJ, Liu J, Ruan YY, Li WZ, Jia FL, Yang XK. 2014. Habitat-dependent diversification and parallel molecular evolution - water scavenger beetles as a case study. Current Zoology (formerly Acta Zoologica Sinica), 60(5): 561 – 570. (SCI)
18. Bian, D.J., C. Guo & L.Z. Ji. 2013. Allopachria yiae sp. n. from Chongqing, China (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae). Zootaxa, 3681(1): 85-88. (SCI)
19. Bian, D.J., C. Guo & L.Z. Ji. 2012. First record of Ancyronyx Erichson (Coleoptera: Elmidae) from China, with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 3255, 57–61. (SCI)
20. Bian, D.J., L.Z. Ji. 2012. Notes on Chinese Allopachria Zimmermann, with descriptions of two new species from Guangxi (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Zootaxa, 3151, 28–34. (SCI)
21. Bian, D.J., L.Z. Ji. 2010. Two new species of Cuspidevia J?ch & Boukal, 1995 from China (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Zootaxa, 2663, 53–58. (SCI)
22. Bian, D.J., L.Z. Ji. 2010. Allopachria Zimmermann, 1924 from Jiangxi, China, with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Zootaxa, 2350, 59–65. (SCI)
23. Bian, D.J., H. Sch?nmann & L.Z. Ji. 2009. Five new species of Pelthydrus Orchymont, 1919 from China and adjacent countries (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Zootaxa, 2118: 53–64. (SCI)
24. Bian, D.J., L.Z. Ji. 2009. Two new species of Dytiscidae from Hainan, China. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 63 (1): 35–40. (SCI)
25. Bian, D.J., L.Z. Ji. 2008. A new species of Platambus from China (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Zootaxa, 1383: 32–38. (SCI)
26. Bian, D.J., H. Sch?nmann & L.Z. Ji. 2008. Pelthydrus Orchymont, 1919 from Hainan (China) with descriptions of three new species. Koleopterologische Rundschau, 78, 265–274.
27. Ji, L.Z., D.J. Bian, B. Dong. 2008. The research progression of water beetles, 67–71. Wang, X.H. (Ed.). Contemporary Aquatic Entomological Study in East Asia–Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Aquatic Entomology in East Asia.
1. 姬兰柱、边冬菊. 2019. 龙虱科, 40-46. 天目山动物志,第六卷. 浙江大学出版社: 杭州. 266 pp.
2. 姬兰柱、边冬菊. 2019. 牙甲科,47-49. 天目山动物志,第六卷. 浙江大学出版社: 杭州. 266 pp.
3. 姬兰柱、边冬菊. 2018. 龙虱科,27-38. 杨星科主编,秦岭昆虫志,第5卷,鞘翅目,世界图书出版社西安有限公司: 西安. 768 pp.
4. 姬兰柱、边冬菊. 2018. 牙甲科,143-149. 杨星科主编,,秦岭昆虫志,第5卷,鞘翅目,世界图书出版社西安有限公司: 西安. 768 pp.