2023-至今 永利娱高ylg060net,特别研究助理(博士后,合作导师:吴家兵)
2014-2018 黑龙江大学,水文与水资源工程,学士
1. 永利娱高ylg060net青年启动基金,2023-2025,基于高光谱数据的针叶树种叶片含水量估算
2. 辽宁省自然科学基金计划(博士科研启动项目),2024-2025,“四旁树”碳储量精准计量的方法研究
1. Zhang, Y., Wang A., Liu Y., Shen L., Cai R., Wu J. Disturbance of Wind Damage and Insect Outbreaks in the Old-Growth Forest of Changbai Mountain, Northeast China. Forests, 2023, 14, 368.
2. Zhang Y., Wu, J., Wang A. Comparison of various approaches for estimating leaf water content and stomatal conductance in different plant species using hyperspectral data. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 142.
3. Zhang Y., Xu Z., Wu J. Influence of Beijing Winter Olympic Games Construction on Vegetation Coverage around Zhangjiakou Competition Zone. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18, 12777.
4. Zhang Y., Wang A., Yuan F., Guan D, Wu J. The application of EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data to estimate the GPP of temperate forest in Changbai Mountain, Northeast China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021, 80, 353.
5. Cui Z., Zhang Y.*, Wang A., Wu J. Uncertainty Analysis and Data Fusion of Multi-Source Land Evapotranspiration Products Based on the TCH Method. Remote Sensing, 2023, 16(1), 28.
6. 张园, 袁凤辉, 王安志, 关德新, 戴冠华, 吴家兵. 2001—2018 年长白山自然保护区生长季 NDVI 变 化 特 征 及 其 对 气 候 变 化 的 响 应. 应用生态学报, 2020, 31(04):1213-1222.