

1.         Cui Zilong, ZhangYuan, Wang Anzhi, Wu Jiabing, Li Chunbo. Uncertainty Analysis and Data Fusion of Multi-Source Land Evapotranspiration Products Based on the TCH Method. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16(1): 28.

2.         Li Huidong, Gao Wanjing, Liu Yage, Yuan Fenghui, Wu Minchao, Meng lin. Attributing the impacts of ecological engineering and climate change on carbon uptake in Northeastern China. Landscape Ecology, 2023, 12: 3945-3960.

3.         Zhang Yuan, Wang Anzhi, Liu Yage, Shen Lidu, Cai Rongrong, Wu Jiabing. Disturbance of Wind Damage and Insect Outbreaks in the Old-Growth Forest of Changbai Mountain, Northeast China. Forests, 2023, 14(2): 368.

4.         Diao Haoyu, Wang Anzhi, Yuan Fenghui, Guan Dexin, Wu Jiabing. Changes in tree leaf δ13C along climatic and geographical gradients in China. Trees, 2023, 37: 671682.

5.         李春波,张园,刘雅各,吴家兵,王安志. 长白山自然保护区总初级生产力时空变化特征及其影响因素. 应用生态学报, 2023, 34(5): 1341-1348.

6.         朱凯,左齐慧,袁凤辉,关德新,吴家兵,王安志,张健. 土壤氮添加对水曲柳和蒙古栎光合限制作用的影响. 植物科学学报, 2023, 41(4): 502-512.


7.Diao Haoyu, Wang Anzhi, Yuan Fenghui, Guan Dexin, Wu Jiabing. Autotrophic respiration modulates the carbon isotope composition of soil respiration in a mixed forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 807: 150834.

8.         Li Huidong, Yuan Fenghui, Shen Lidu, Liu Yage, Zheng Zhonghua, Zhou Xu. Improving the WRF/urban modeling system in China by developing a national urban dataset. Geoscience Frontiers, 2022, 13(4): 101385.

9.         Shen Lidu, Li Huidong, Guo Liangchen, He Bao-Jie. Thermal and energy benefits of rooftop photovoltaic panels in a semi-arid city during an extreme heatwave event. Energy & Buildings, 2022, 275:112490.

10.Liu Yage, Li Huidong, Yuan Fenghui, Shen Lidu, Wu Minchao, Li Wenliang, Wang Anzhi, Wu Jiabing, Guan Dexin. Estimating the impact of shelterbelt structure on corn yield at a largescale using Google Earth and Sentinel 2 data. Remote Sensings, 2022, 17: 044060.

11.Zhao Hongming, Wu Jiabing, Wang Anzhi, Guan Dexin, Liu Yage.Microtopography mediates the climate–growth relationship and growth resilience to drought of Pinus tabulaeformis plantation in the hilly site. Frontiers in Plant Science, DOI:10.3389/fpls.2022.1060011

12.Zhang Yuan, Wu Jiabing, Wang Anzhi. Comparison of various approaches for estimating leaf water content and stomatal conductance in different plant species using hyperspectral data. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 142: 109278.

13.Gao Yuan, Shen Lidu, Cai Rongrong, Wang Anzhi, Yuan Fenghui, Wu Jiabing, Guan Dexin, Yao Huaxia. Impact of Forest Canopy Closure on Snow Processes in the Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, 10: 929309.

14.Liu Yage, Li Huidong, Wu Minchao, Wang Anzhi, Wu Jiabing and Guan Dexin. Estimating the Legacy Effect of Post-Cutting Shelterbelt on Crop Yield Using Google Earth and Sentinel-2 Data. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(19): 5005.

15.     Zhang Yuan, Xu Zhongqi, Wu Jiabing. Influence of Beijing Winter Olympic Games Construction on Vegetation Coverage around Zhangjiakou Competition Zone. Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18: 12777.

16.     Yan Yongxue, Bai Zhen,Yan Shaokui,Wu Jiabing,Yuan HaiSheng. Variance in Woody Debris Components Is Largely Determined by the Belowground Microbial Phylum-Level Composition. Forests, 2022, 13:1446.

17.     Wang Xun, Li Huidong, Sodoudi Sahar. The effectiveness of cool and green roofs in mitigating urban heat island and improving human thermal comfort. Building and Environment, 2022, 217: 109082.

18.     Liu Jianzhao, Yuan Fenghui, Zuo Yunjiang, Zhou Rui, Zhu Xinhao, Li Kexin, Wang Nannan, Chen Ning, Guo Zhiyu, Zhang Lihua, Sun Ying, Guo Yuedong, Song Changchun, Xu Xiaofeng. Warming-induced vegetation growth cancels out soil carbon-climate feedback in the northern Asian permafrost region in the 21st century. Environmental Research Letters, 2022, 17:084009.

19.     Diao Haoyu, Schuler Philipp, Goldsmith Gregory R., Siegwolf Rolf T. W., Saurer Matthias, Lehmann Marco M. Technical note: On uncertainties in plant water isotopic composition following extraction by cryogenic vacuum distillation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2022, 26:5835–5847.

20.     Ren Chengjie, Mo Fei, Zhou Zhenghu, Bastida Felipe, Delgado-Baquerizo Manuel, Wang Jieying, Zhang Xinyi, Luo Yiqi, Griffis Timothy J, Han Xinhui, Wei Gehong, Wang Jun, Zhong Zekun, Feng Yongzhong, Ren Guangxin, Wang Xiaojiao, Yu Kailiang, Zhao Fazhu Zhao, Yang Gaihe, Yuan Fenghui. The global biogeography of soil priming effect intensity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2022, 31:1679–1687.

21.     Zhu Xinhao, Yuan Fenghui, He Liyuan, Guo Ziyu, Wang Nannan, ZuoYunjiang, Liu Jianzhao, Li Kexin, Wang Yihui, Sun Ying, Zhang Lihua, Song Changchun, Song Yanyu, Gong Chao, Son Yowhan, Guo Dufa, Xu Xiaofeng. Wetland conversion to cropland alters the microbes along soil profiles and over seasons. CATENA, 2022, 214:106282.

22.     Wu Anchi, Zhou Guoyi, He Honglin, Hautier Yann, Tang Xuli, Liu Juxiu, Zhang Qianmei, Wang Silong, Wang Anzhi, Lin Luxiang, Zhang Yiping, Xie Zongqiang, Chang Ruiying.  Tree diversity depending on environmental gradients promotes biomass stability via species asynchrony in China’s forest ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 140: 109021.

23.     Mao Sicheng, Zhou Yi, Gao Wanjing, Jin Yuling, Zhao Haile, Luo Yuchao, Chen Siyu, Chen Xin, Zhang Guoliang, Lun Fei, Pan Zhihua, An Pingli. Ventilation Capacities of Chinese Industrial Cities and Their Influence on the Concentration of NO2. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14:3348.

24.     Zuo Yunjiang, Wang Yihui, He Liyuan, Wang Nannan, Liu Jianzhao, Yuan Fenghui, Li Kexin, Guo Ziyu, Sun Ying, Zhu Xinhao, Zhang Lihua, Song Changchun, Sun Li, Xu Xiaofeng. Modeling methane dynamics in three wetlands in Northeastern China by using the CLM-Microbe model. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2022, 8(1):2074895.

25.     田金园, 袁凤辉, 关德新, 吴家兵, 王安志. 长白山阔叶红松林5种主要树种水分利用效率与叶片养分特征. 应用生态学报, 2022, 33 (2): 304-310.


26.     Zhang Hongxia, Yuan Fenghui, Wu Jiabing, Jin Changjie, Pivovaroff Alexandria L., Tian Jinyuan, Li Weibin, Guan Dexin,Wang Anzhi, McDowel Nate G.. Responses of functional traits to seven-year nitrogen addition in two tree species: co-ordination of hydraulics, gas exchange and carbon reserves. Tree Physiology, 2021, 41, 190–205.

27.     Wang C. G., Zheng X. B., Wang A. Z., Dai G. H., Zhu B. K., Zhao Y. M., Dong S. J., Zu W. Z., W., Zheng Y. G., Li J. G., Li M. H.. Temperature and Precipitation Diversely Control Seasonal and Annual Dynamics of Litterfall in a Temperate Mixed Mature Forest, Revealed by Long-Term Data Analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2021, DOI: 10.1029/2020JG006204.

28.     Zhu Kai, Yuan Fenghui, Wang Anzhi, Wu Jiabing, Guan Dexin, Jin Changjie, J. FLEXAS, Gong Chunjuan, Zhang Hongxia, Zhang Y. S.. Stomatal, mesophyll and biochemical limitations to soil drought and rewatering in relation to intrinsic water-use efficiency in Manchurian ash and Mongolian oak. Photosynthesis Research, 2021, 59 (1): 49-60

29.     Yang Tingtin, Musa Ala, Guan Dexin, Wang Anzhi. The Effects of Groundwater Depth on the Soil Evaporation in Horqin Sandy Land, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2021, 31(4): 727-734.

30.     Jiang Liupeng , Zhu Jinghai, Chen Wei, Hu Yuanman, Yao Jing, Yu Shuai, Jia Guangliang, He Xingyuan, Wang Anzhi. Identification of Suitable Hydrologic Response Unit Thresholds for Soil and Water Assessment Tool Streamflow Modelling. Chinese Geographical Science, 2021, 31(4): 696-710.

31.     Zhang Hongxia, Li Xinrong, Wang Wenzhi, Pivovaroff Alexandria L., Li Weibin, Zhang Peipei, Ward Nicholas D., Myers-Pigg Allison, Adams Henry D., Leff Riley, Wang Anzhi, Yuan Fenghui, Wu Jiabing, Yabusaki Steve, Waichler Scott, Bailey Vanessa L., Guan Dexin, McDowell Nate G..  Seawater exposure causes hydraulic damage in dying Sitka-spruce trees. Plant Physiology, 2021, 187(2): 873–885.

32.     Diao Haoyu, Wang Anzhi, Yuan Fenghui, Guan Dexin, Wu Jiabing. Autotrophic respiration modulates the carbon isotope composition of soil respiration in a mixed forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 807(23):150834.

33.     He Honglin, Ge1 Rong, Ren Xiaoli, Zhang Li, Chang Qingqing, Xu Qian, Zhou Guoyi, Xie Zongqiang, Wang Silong, Wang Huimin, Zhang Qibin, Wang Anzhi, Fan Zexin, Zhang Yiping, Shen Weijun, Yin Huajun, Lin Luxiang, Williams Mathew, Yu Guirui. Reference carbon cycle dataset for typical Chinese forests via colocated observations and data assimilation. Scientific Data, 2021, 8(1):42.

34.     Zhang Yuan, Wang Anzhi, Yuan Fenghui, Guan Dexin, Wu Jiabing. The application of EO?1 Hyperion hyperspectral data to estimate the GPP of temperate forest in Changbai Mountain, Northeast China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021, 80: 353.

35.     Gong Chunjuan, Wang Anzhi, Yuan Fenghui, Liu Yage, Cui Chen, Zhu Kai, Guan Dexin, Wu Jiabing. Effects of Soil Nitrogen Addition on Crown CO2 Exchange of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. Saplings. Forests, 2021, 12: 1170.

36.     Diao Haoyu, Wang Anzhi, Yang Hong, Yuan Fenghui, Guan Dexin and Wu Jiabing. Responses of evapotranspiration to droughts across global forest: A systematic assessment. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2021, 51: 1–9.

37.     Fenghui Yuan, Yihui Wang, Daniel M Ricciuto, Xiaoying Shi, Fengming Yuan, Paul J Hanson, Scott Bridgham, Jason Keller, Peter E Thornton, Xiaofeng Xu. An Integrative Model for Soil Biogeochemistry and Methane Processes. II: Warming and Elevated CO2 Effects on Peatland CH4 Emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2021, DOI: 10.1029/2020JG005963.

38.     Li Huidong, Liu Yage, Zhang Huiwen, Xue Bing, Li Wenliang. Urban morphology in China: Dataset development and spatial pattern characterization. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 71, 102981.

39.     Zhu Xinhao, Zhang Lihua , Zuo Yunjiang, Liu Jianzhao,Yu Jielu, Yuan Fenghui, Wang Nannan, He Liyuan,Wang Yihui,Guo Ziyu,Sun Ying, Song Yanyu, Song Changchun, Guo Dufa , Xu Xiaofeng. Wetland reclamation homogenizes microbial properties along soil profiles. Geoderma, 2021, 395(5):115075.

40.     Zhang Hongxia, Li Xinrong, Guan Dexin, Wang Anzhi , Yuan Fenghui, Wu Jiabing. Nitrogen nutrition addition mitigated drought stress by improving carbon exchange and reserves among two temperate trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2021, 311, 108693.

41.     Yuan Fenghui, Wang Yihui, Ricciuto Daniel M., Shi Xiaoying, Yuan Fengming, Brehme Thomas, Bridgham Scott, Keller Jason, Warren Jeffrey M., Griffiths Natalie A., Sebestyen Stephen D., Hanson Paul J., Thornton Peter E., Xu Xiaofeng. Hydrological feedbacks on peatland CH4 emission under warming and elevated CO2: a modeling study. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127137.

42.     Jianzhao Liu, Yunjiang Zuo, Nannan Wang, Fenghui Yuan, Xinhao Zhu, Lihua Zhang, Jingwei Zhang, Ying Sun, Ziyu Guo, Yuedong Guo, Xia Song, Changchun Song, Xiaofeng Xu. Comparative Analysis of Two Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Site-Level Net Ecosystem Exchange in Major Biomes. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(12): 2242.

43.     田金园, 刁浩宇, 袁凤辉, 关德新, 吴家兵, 王安志. 长白山阔叶红松林演替序列水分利用效率特征. 应用生态学报, 2021, 32 (4): 1221-1229.

44.     吴家兵, 关德新, 王安志, 袁凤辉, 刁浩宇, 于贵瑞, 陈智, 张雷明. 2003–2010年长白山阔叶红松林碳水通量观测数据集. 中国科学数据, 2021, 6(1).


45.     Zhu Kai, Wang Anzhi, Wu Jiabing, Yuan Fenghui, Guan Dexin, Jin Changjie, Zhang Yushu, Gong Chunjuan. Effects of nitrogen additions on mesophyll and stomatal conductance in Manchurian ash and Mongolian oak. Scientific reports, 2020, 10(1): 10038.

46.     Zhang Hongxia, McDowell Nate G., Adams Henry D., Wang Anzhi, Wu Jiabing, Jin Changjie, Tian Jinyuan, Zhu Kai, Li Weibin, Zhang Yushu, Yuan Fenghui, Guan Dexin. Divergences in hydraulic conductance and anatomical traits of stems and leaves in three temperate tree species coping with drought, N addition and their interactions. Agroforestry systems, 2020, 94(2): 499-516.

47.     Yuan Fenghui, Wu Jiabing, Wang Anzhi, Guan Dexin, Zhang Yushu, Rajah-Boyer Kavita Irene, Xu Xiaofeng. A semiempirical model for horizontal distribution of surface wind speed leeward windbreaks. Agroforestry systems, 2020, 94(2): 499-516.

48.     Chen Nina, Wang Anzhi, An Juan, Zhang Yushu, Ji Ruipeng, Jia Qingyu, Zhao Ziqi, Guan Dexin. Modeling Canopy Carbon and Water Fluxes Using a Multilayered Model over a Temperate Meadow in Inner Mongolia. International Journal of Plant Production, 2020, 14(1): 141-154.

49.     Diao Haoyu, Wang Anzhi, Yuan Fenghui, Guan Dexin, Dai Guanhua, Wu Jiabing. Environmental Effects on Carbon Isotope Discrimination from Assimilation to Respiration in a Coniferous and Broad-Leaved Mixed Forest of Northeast China. Forests, 2020, 11(11): 1156.

50.     Zhang Lihua, Yuan Fenghui, Bai Junhong, Duan Hongtao, Gu Xueying, Hou Longyu, Huang Yao, Yang Mingan, He Jinsheng, Zhang Zhenhua, Yu Lijun, Song Changchun, Lipson David A., Zona Donatella, Oechel Waiter, Janssens Lvan A. and Xu Xiaofeng. Phosphorus alleviation of nitrogen-suppressed methane sink in global grasslands. Ecology letters, 2020, 23(5): 821-830.

51.     Yuan Fenghui, Liu Jianzhao, Zuo Yunjiang, Guo Ziyu, Wang Nannan, Song Changchun, Wang Zongming, Sun Li, Guo Yuedong, Song Yanyu, Mao Dehua, Xu Feifan, Xu Xiaofeng. Rising vegetation activity dominates growing water use ef ficiency in the Asian permafrost region from 1900 to 2100. Science of the total environment, 2020, 736: 139587.

52.     Guo Ziyu, Wang Yihui, Wan Zhongmei, Zuo Yunjiang, He Liyuan, Li Dan, Yuan Fenghui, Wang Nannan, Liu Jianzhao, Song Yanyu, Song Changchun and Xu Xiaofeng. Soil dissolved organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems: Global budget, spatial distribution and controls. Global ecology and biogeography, 2020, 29(12): 2159-2175.

53.     Li Weibin, Zhang Hongxia, Huang Guozhu, Liu Ruixue, Wu Hongjing, Zhao Chuanyan and McDowell Nate G. Effects of nitrogen enrichment on tree carbon allocation: A global synthesis. Global ecology and biogeography, 2020, 29(3): 573-589.

54.     He Liyuan, Rodrigues Jorge L. Mazza, Soudzilovskaia Nadejda A., Barceló Milagros, Olsson P?l Axel, Song Changchun, Tedersoo Leho, Yuan Fenghui, Yuan Fengming, Lipson David A., Xu Xiaofeng. Global biogeography of fungal and bacterial biomass carbon in topsoil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 108024.

55.     刁浩宇, 王安志, 袁凤辉, 关德新, 孙雨, 吴家兵. 特定化合物同位素分析技术在树木非结构性碳水化合物研究中的应用. 应用生态学报, 2020, 31(12): 4291-4300.

56.     张园, 袁凤辉, 王安志, 关德新, 戴冠华, 吴家兵. 2001-2018年长白山自然保护区生长季NDVI变化特征及其对气候变化的响应. 应用生态学报, 2020, 31(4): 1213-1222.


57.     Zhou Xueya, Guan Dexin, Wu Jiabing, Yuan Fenghui, Wang Anzhi, Jin Changjie, Zhang Yushu. Soil water response to rainfall in a dune-interdune landscape in Horqin Sand Land, northern China. Soil and Water Research, 2019, 14: 229-239.

58.     Zhu Kai, Yuan Fenghui, Wang Anzhi, Yang Hong, Guan Dexin, Jin Changjie, Zhang Hongxia, Zhang Yushu, Wu Jiabing. Effects of soil rewatering on mesophyll and stomatal conductance and the associated mechanisms involving leaf anatomy and some physiological activities in Manchurian ash and Mongolian oak in the Changbai Mountains. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 144: 22-34.

59.     Chen Nina, Zhang Yushu, Jin Changjie, Wang Anzhi, Guan Dexin, Mi Na, Zhou Bin. Performance of Priestley-Taylor model for estimating evaporation with and without snow coverage over a temperate meadow in Inner Mongolia, China. Water and Environment Journal, 2019, 33: 241-251.

60.     Chen Nina, Wang Anzhi, An Juan, Zhang Yushu, Ji Ruipeng, Jia Qingyu, Zhao Ziqi, Guan Dexin. Modeling canopy carbon and water fluxes using a multilayered model over a temperate meadow in Inner Mongolia. International Journal of Plant Production, 2019, 14: 141–154.

61.     Ge Rong, He Honglin, Ren Xiaoli, Zhang Li, Yu Guirui, Smallman T. Luke, Zhou Tao, Yu Shi Yong, Luo Yiqi, Xie Zongqiang, Wang Silong, Wang Huimin, Zhou Guoyi, Zhang Qibin, Wang Anzhi, Fan Zexin, Zhang Yiping, Shen Weijun, Yin Huajun, Lin Luxian. Underestimated ecosystem carbon turnover time and sequestration under the steady state assumption: A perspective from long-term data assimilation. Global Change Biology, 2019, 25: 938-953.

62.     Liu Jianzhao, Gao Liping,Yuan Fenghui, Guo Yuedong, Xu Xiaofeng. Climate Change Made Major Contributions to Soil Water Storage Decline in the Southwestern US during 2003–2014. Water, 2019, 11(9): 1947.

63.     Wang Yihui, Yuan Fengming, Yuan Fenghui, Gu Baohua, Hahn Melanie S., Torn Margaret S., Ricciuto Daniel M, Kumar Jitendra, He Liyuan, Zona Donatella, Lipson David A., Wagner Robert, Oechel Walter C., Wullschleger Stan D., Thornton Peter E., Xu Xiaofeng. Mechanistic Modeling of Microtopographic Impacts on CO2 and CH4 Fluxes in an Alaskan Tundra Ecosystem Using the CLM-Microbe Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2019, 11: 4228-4304.

64.     刘雅各, 张茂亮, 关德新, 宋秀芬, 袁凤辉, 吴家兵, 王安志. 长白山地区自然科学研究综述: 1956-2018. 应用生态学报, 2019, 30(5): 1783-1796.

65.     刘雅各, 袁凤辉, 王安志, 吴家兵, 郑兴波, 尹航, 关德新. 长白山生态功能区气候变化特征. 应用生态学报, 2019, 30(5): 1503-1512.

66.     刁浩宇, 王安志, 袁凤辉, 关德新, 尹航, 吴家兵. 长白山阔叶红松林演替序列植物-凋落物-土壤碳同位素特征. 应用生态学报, 2019, 30(5): 1435-1444.

67.     朱凯, 袁凤辉, 关德新, 吴家兵, 王安志. 植物叶肉导度的测定及计算方法综述. 应用生态学报, 2019, 30(5): 1772-1782.

68.     刁浩宇, 王安志, 袁凤辉, 关德新, 吴家兵. 长白山红松年轮碳同位素与净初级生产力的关系. 应用生态学报, 2019, 30(10): 3327-3335.


69.     Sun Di, Yang Hong, Guan Dexin, Yang Ming, Wu Jiabing, Yuan Fenghui, Jin Changjie, Wang Anzhi, Zhang Yushu. The effects of land use change on soil infiltration capacity in China: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 626: 1394-1401.

70.     Yang Tingting, Ala Musa, Zhang Yushu, Wu Jiabing, Wang Anzhi, Guan Dexin. Characteristics of soil moisture under different vegetation coverage in Horqin Sandy Land, northern China. Plos One, 2018, 13(6): e0198805.

71.     Li Weibin, Hartmann Henrik, Adams Henry D., Zhang Hongxia, Jin Changjie, Zhao Chuanyan, Guan Dexin, Wang Anzhi, Yuan Fenghui, Wu Jiabing. The sweet side of global change-dynamic responses of non-structural carbohydrates to drought, elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization in tree species. Tree Physiology, 2018, 38: 1706-1723.

72.     Zhang Hongxia, Li Weibin, Adams Henry D., Wang Anzhi, Wu Jiabing, Jin Changjie, Guan Dexin, Yuan Fenghui. Responses of Woody Plant Functional Traits to Nitrogen Addition: A Meta-Analysis of Leaf Economics, Gas Exchange, and Hydraulic Traits. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 683.

73.     Zhang Xinzhong, Guan Dexin, Li Weibin, Sun Di, Jin Changjie, Yuan Fenghui, Wang Anzhi, Wu Jiabing. The effects of forest thinning on soil carbon stocks and dynamics: A meta-analysis. Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 49: 36-43.

74.     Chen NiNa, Zhang YuShu, Jin ChangJie, Wang AnZhi, Guan DeXin, Tian Li. Intercomparison of three methods to estimate evapotranspiration over temperate meadow in Inner Mongolia: Penman-Monteith, Makkink and Priestley-Taylor equation. Water and Environment Journal, 2018, 32: 500-507.