



邮箱:linguigang@126.com; lingg@iae.ac.cn











2012.09–2016.07 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所生态学博士

2009.09–2012.07 永利娱高ylg060net生态学硕士

2005.09–2009.07 西北农林科技大学林学学士



2016.08–2020.11  永利娱高ylg060net助理研究员






1.        中国科学院青年创新促进会项目,森林菌根类型调控土壤氮循环过程的作用机理,2019–2022年,80万元,主持

2.        国家自然基金青年科学基金项目,氮沉降与干旱胁迫对樟子松外生菌根真菌及其介导的土壤碳循环过程的影响,2018–2020年,24万元,主持

3.        国家自然科学基金委重点项目,杉木人工林SOM形成与转化的生物学控制机制,2019–2023年,15万元,参与

4.        中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目,全球变暖和氮沉降对我国东北典型森林植物多样性和碳氮循环的影响机理,2016–202025万元,参与



1.        Zhang Yansong, Zeng De-Hui, Wang Guochen, Li Xin, Lin Guigang*. 2023.Shifts in soil nitrogen availability and associated microbial drivers during stand development of Mongolian pine plantations. Land Degradation & Development https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.4673.

2.        Zhang Yansong, Zeng De-Hui*, Lei Zeyong, Li Xin, Lin Guigang*. 2023. Microbial properties determine dynamics of topsoil organic carbon stocks and fractions along an age?sequence of Mongolian pine plantations. Plant and Soil 483: 441–457.

3.        Zheng Linlin, Zhao Qiong*, Lin Guigang, Hong Xin, Zeng De-Hui. 2023. Nitrogen addition impacts on soil phosphorus transformations depending upon its influences on soil organic carbon and microbial biomass intemperate larch forests across northern China. Catena 230: 107252.

4.        Lin Guigang*, Craig Matthew, Jo Insu, Wang Xugao, Zeng De-Hui, Phillips Richard. 2022. Mycorrhizal associations of tree species influence soil nitrogen dynamics via effects on soil acid–base chemistry. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31: 168–182.

5.        Lin Guigang, Yuan Zuoqiang, Zhang Yansong, Zeng De-Hui, Wang Xugao*. 2022. Dominant tree mycorrhizal associations affect soil nitrogen transformation rates by mediating microbial abundances in a temperate forest. Biogeochemistry 158: 405–421.

6.        Wang Jianlei, Yan Xiao, Zhang Fawei, Wu Qihua, Li Qingkang, Liu Xingyu, Li Yingnian*, Lin Guigang*. 2022. Changes in community assembly processes and co-occurrence networks of soil diazotrophs along an elevational gradient in Tibetan alpine meadows. European Journal of Soil Biology 113: 103445.

7.        Zhang Jingling, Lin Guigang*, Zhao Qiong, Zeng De-Hui*. 2022. High adaptability of Pinussylvestris var. mongolica to drought?induced soil nutrient deficiency. Ecological Processes 11: 39.

8.        Wan Songze, Lin Guigang, Liu Bo, Ding Yidong, Li Suli, Mao Rong*. 2022. Contrasting responses of soil phosphorus pool and bioavailability to alder expansion in a boreal peatland, Northeast China. Catena 212: 106128.

9.        Lei Huimin, Chen Liang*, Wang Hui, Qi Xiaoxu, Liu Jiaqi, Ouyang Shuai, Deng Xiangwen, Lei Pifeng, Lin Guigang, Kuzyakov Yakov, Xiang Wenhua. 2022. Dominant mycorrhizal association of trees determines soil nitrogen availability in subtropical forests. Geoderma 427: 116135.

10.    Shi Fu-Xi, Wang Xian-Wei, Lin Guigang, Zhang Xin-Hou, Chen Hui-Min, Mao Rong*. 2022. Cryptogams and dwarf evergreen shrubs are vulnerable to nitrogen addition in a boreal permafrost peatland of Northeast China. Applied Vegetation Science 25: e12691.

11.    Ren Jing, Fang Shuai, Lin Guigang, Lin Fei, Yuan Zuoqiang, Ye Ji, Wang Xugao, Hao Zhanqing*, Fortunel Claire*. 2021. Tree growth response to soil nutrients and neighborhood crowding varies between mycorrhizal types in an old?growth temperate forest.Oecologia 197: 523–535.

12.    Lin Guigang, Gao Meixia, Zeng De-Hui*, Fang Yunting*. 2020. Aboveground conservation acts in synergy with belowground uptake to alleviate phosphorus deficiency caused by nitrogen addition in a larch plantation. Forest Ecology and Management 473: 118309.

13.    Lin Guigang, Zeng De-Hui, Mao Rong*. 2020. Traits and their plasticity determine responses of plant performance and community functional property to nitrogen enrichment in a boreal peatland. Plant and Soil 449: 151–167.

14.    Jia Shihong, Wang Xugao*, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Lin Guigang, Hao Zhanqing, Bagchi Robert. 2020. Tree species traits affect which natural enemies drive the Janzen-Connell effect in a temperate forest. Nature Communications 11: 286.

15.    Xu Jia-Wen, Lin Guigang, Liu Bo, Mao Rong*. 2020. Linking leaf nutrient resorption and litter decomposition to plant mycorrhizal associations in boreal peatlands. Plant and Soil 448: 413–424.

16.    Lin Guigang, Chen Zhengxia, Zeng De-Hui*. 2019. Presence of mycorrhizal fungal hyphae rather than living roots retards root litter decomposition. Forests 10: 502.

17.    Gang Qun, Chang Scott X., Lin Guigang, Zhao Qiong, Mao Bing, Zeng De-Hui*. 2019. Exogenous and endogenous nitrogen differentially affect the decomposition of fine roots of different diameter classes of Mongolian pine in semi-arid northeast China. Plant and Soil 436: 109–122.

18.    Lin Guigang*, Guo Dali, Li Liang, Ma Chengen, Zeng De-Hui. 2018. Contrasting effects of ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal tropical tree species on soil nitrogen cycling: the potential mechanisms and corresponding adaptive strategies. Oikos 127: 518–530.

19.    Lin Guigang, Zeng De-Hui*. 2018. Functional identity rather than functional diversity or species richness controls litter mixture decomposition in a subtropical forest. Plant and Soil 428: 179–193.

20.    Lin Guigang, McCormack M. Luke, Ma Chengen, Guo Dali*. 2017. Similar below-ground carbon cycling dynamics but contrasting modes of nitrogen cycling between arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal forests. New Phytologist 213: 1440–1451.

21.    Lin Guigang, Zeng De-Hui*. 2017. Heterogeneity in decomposition rates and annual litter inputs within fine-root architecture of tree species: Implications for forest soil carbon accumulation. Forest Ecology and Management 389: 386–394.

22.    Lin Guigang, McCormack M. Luke, Guo Dali*. 2015. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal effects on plant competition and community structure. Journal of Ecology103: 1224–1232.

23.    Lin Guigang, Mao Rong, Zhao Lei, Zeng De-Hui*. 2013. Litter decomposition of a pine plantation is affected by species evenness and soil nitrogen availability. Plant and Soil 373: 649–657.

24.    Zhao Lei, Hu Ya-Lin, Lin Guigang, Gao Yongchao, Fang Yunting, Zeng De-Hui*. 2013. Mixing effects of understory plant litter on decomposition and nutrient release of tree litter in two plantations in northeast China.PLoS ONE 8: e76334.

25.    孙学凯, 白洁, 徐成斌*, 林贵刚, 艾桂艳. 2021. 城市绿地废弃物生物炭制备与应用前景.河北大学学报 (自然科学版) 41: 72–76.

26.    韩潇潇, 林力涛, 于占源*, 刚群, 黄月, 林贵刚, 曾德慧. 2020. NP停止施入后植物叶片主要元素含量及化学计量特征的响应. 生态学杂志 39: 2167–2174.

27.    葛志强, 赵姗宇, 林贵刚, 孙学凯, 胡亚林*. 2020. 降水变化对科尔沁沙地樟子松人工林土壤氮矿化和淋溶的影响. 生态学报40: 6564–6572.

28.    谢尧, 赵琼*, 李炎真, 于占源, 林贵刚, 曾德慧. 2019. 干旱化对樟子松固沙林氮磷循环的影响. 生态学杂志, 38(12): 3593–3600.

29.    王存国, 陈正侠, 马承恩, 林贵刚, 韩士杰*. 2016. 细根异速分解的3个可能影响途径. 北京林业大学学报 38: 123–128.

30.    林贵刚, 赵琼, 赵蕾, 李慧超, 曾德慧*. 2012. 林下植被去除与氮添加对樟子松人工林土壤化学和生物学性质的影响. 应用生态学报 23: 1188–1194.

