论文题目 作者
Analyzing the effectiveness of alternative fuel reductions of a forested landscape in Northeastern China Zhihua Liu
Variations in cadmium accumulation among Chinese cabbage cultivars and screening for Cd-safe cultivars Weitao Liu
Lead accumulation in different Chinese cabbage cultivars and screening for pollution-safe cultivars Weitao Liu
Carbon mineralization of tree leaf litter and crop residues from poplar-based agroforestry systems in Northeast China: A laboratory study Dehui Zeng
Spatial, sources and risk assessment of heavy metal contamination of urban soils in typical regions of Shenyang, China Yuebing Sun
Spatial patterns and associations of six congeneric species in an old-growth temperate forest Jian Zhang
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon removal from contaminated soils using fatty acid methyl esters Zongqiang Gong
Investigation on the photocatalytic degradation of pyrene on soil surfaces using nanometer anatase TiO2 under UV irradiation Dianbo Dong
Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies on the biosorption of Cu(II) onto chestnut shell Z.-Y. Yao
Effect of fertilizer amendments on phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soil by a newly discovered hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. Shuhe Wei