2023.11 – 今 永利娱高ylg060net,项目研究员
2019.09 – 2023.10 永利娱高ylg060net,副研究员
2021.09 – 今 山东师范大学地理与环境学院,外聘博士生导师
2024.03 – 2025.02 英国牛津大学,Honorary Research Associate
2023.08 – 2023.10 美国普林斯顿大学,访问学者
2017.08 – 2018.08 美国康奈尔大学,访问学者
2014.07 – 2019.08 永利娱高ylg060net,助理研究员
2011.09 – 2014.07 永利娱高ylg060net,景观生态学博士
[1] 2020年,荣获中国科学院青年创新促进会会员。
[2] 2020年,辽宁省自然资源科技进步奖一等奖。
[3] 2021年,国土资源科学技术奖二等奖。
[4] 2021年,荣获沈阳市拔尖人才。
[5] 2022年,中国气象服务协会科学技术奖一等奖。
[6] 2022年,被聘为《土壤通报》青年编委。
[7] 2022年,中国生态学会景观生态专业委员会副秘书长
[8] 2022年,辽宁省土地学会理事
[9] 2023年,国际景观生态学会中国分会(IALE-China)副秘书长
[10] 2023年,被聘为《应用生态学报》青年编委
[11] 2024年,中国气象服务协会科学技术奖二等奖。
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市扩展的城市雨洪和非点源污染效应研究(41871192)”2019.1-2022.12,主持人。
[3] 国家自然科学基金重点项目“城市扩展的大气环境效应与景观格局优化”(41730647)子课题“多尺度城市景观格局优化”,2018.1-2022.12,主持人。
[4] 国家重点研发计划“城市化与区域生态耦合及调控机制”子课题“典型城市化区域绿色基础设施供需平衡研究(2017YFC050570501)”,2017.7-2020.12,主持人。
[5] 国家自然科学基金青年项目“多尺度城市非点源污染排放特征及其控制措施研究(41501198)”,2016.1-2018.12,主持人。
[6] 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项子任务“硬质河岸生态修复技术(2015ZX07202012-002)”,2015.1-2017.12,主持人。
[1]Hongchao Xu,Chunlin Li*, Ruixue Kong, Qiuyue Wang, Yuan Zhou. Long-term temporal and spatial divergence patterns of urban heat risk in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei urban agglomeration. Urban Climate. 2024, 56: 102085.
[2] Li Qi, Yuanman Hu, Rencang Bu*, Binglun Li, Yue Gao, Chunlin Li*. Evaluation of the Thermal Environment Based on the Urban Neighborhood Heat/Cool Island Effect. Land. 2024, 13: 933.
[3] Guangliang Jia, Chunlin Li*, Xin Chen, Yuanman Hu, Wei Chen, Jieming Kang. Impacts of land use and climate change on water-related ecosystem service trade-offs in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. 2024, 10: 0208.
[4] Li Qi, Yuanman Hu, Rencang Bu*, Zaiping Xiong, Binglun Li, Chuyi Zhang, Hongshun Liu, Chunlin Li*. Spatial-temporal patterns and influencing factors of the Building Green View Index: A new approach for quantifying 3D urban greenery visibility. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2024, 111: 105518.
[5] Yongheng Wang, Qingtao Zhang*, Kairong Lin, Zhiyong Liu, Yingshan Liang, Yue Liu, Chunlin Li*. A novel framework for urban flood risk assessment: Multiple perspectives and causal analysis. Water Research. 2024, 256: 121591.
[6] Hongchao Xu, Chunlin Li*, Yuanman Hu, Hao Wang, Ding Wen, Zhenxing Li, Xiaoying Ping, Qiuyue Wang, Qi Li. Spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of surface urban heat island footprint across different-sized cities. Urban Climate. 2024, 54: 101852.
[7] Jing Zhang, Chunlin Li*, Baolei Zhang, Yuanman Hu, Hao Wang, Zhenxing Li, Qian Zhang. Spatiotemporal evolution and rank-size pattern of Chinese urban settlements. Remote Sensing. 2024, 16(1): 19.
[8] Yongheng Wang, Chunlin Li*, Yuanman Hu, Jianshu Lv, Miao Liu, Zaiping Xiong, Yongxin Wang. Evaluation of urban flooding and potential exposure risk in central and southern Liaoning urban agglomeration, China. Ecological Indicators. 2023, 154: 110845.
[9] Jun Song, Chunlin Li*, Yuanman Hu, Jing Zhang, Jieming Kang, Lujia Zhao. Premature Deaths and Economic Losses Attributable to Long- and Short-Term PM2.5 Exposure in China. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. 2023, 9: 0111.
[10] Hongchao Xu, Chunlin Li*, Yuanman Hu, Shuai Li, Ruixue Kong, Zhibin Zhang. Quantifying the effects of 2D/3D urban landscape patterns on land surface temperature: A perspective from cities of different sizes. Building and Environment. 2023, 233: 110085.
[11] Kongming Li, Chunlin Li*, Yuanman Hu, Zaiping Xiong, Yongheng Wang. Quantitative estimation of the PM2.5 removal capacity and influencing factors of urban green infrastructure. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 867: 161476.
[12] Jieming Kang, Chunlin Li*, Baolei Zhang, Jing Zhang, Meirui Li, Yuanman Hu. How do natural and human factors influence ecosystem services changing? A case study in two most developed regions of China. Ecological Indicators. 2023, 146: 109891.
[13] Chuyi Zhang, Yuanman Hu*, Matthew D. Adams, Rencang Bu, Zaiping Xiong, Miao Liu, Yan Du, Binglun Li, Chunlin Li*. Distribution patterns and influencing factors of population exposure risk to particulate matters based on cell phone signaling data. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2023, 89: 104346.
[14]Chunlin Li, Miao Liu*, Yuanman Hu, Hao Wang, Zaiping Xiong, Wen Wu, Chong Liu, Chuyi Zhang, Yan Du. Investigating the vertical distribution patterns of urban air pollution based on unmanned aerial vehicle gradient monitoring. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2022, 86: 104144.
[15] Chunlin Li, Miao Liu*, Yuanman Hu, Hao Wang, Rui Zhou, Wen Wu, Yongheng Wang. Spatial distribution patterns and potential exposure risks of urban floods in Chinese megacities. Journal of Hydrology. 2022, 610: 127838.
[17] Chuyi Zhang, Yuanman Hu, Matthew D. Adams, Miao Liu, Binglun Li, Tuo Shi, Chunlin Li*. Natural and human factors influencing urban particulate matter concentrations in central heating areas with long-term wearable monitoring devices. Environmental Research. 2022, 215: 114393.
[18] Chong Liu, Yuanman Hu, Yu Chang*, Miao Liu, Zaiping Xiong, Tan Chen, Chunlin Li*. Spatial patterns and influencing factors of intraurban particulate matter in the heating season based on taxi monitoring. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. 2022, 8(1): 2130826.
[19] Rui Zhou, Hongchao Xu, Hao Zhang*, Jie Zhang, Miao Liu, Tianxing He, Jun Gao, Chunlin Li*. Quantifying the Relationship between 2D/3D Building Patterns and Land Surface Temperature: Study on the Metropolitan Shanghai. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(16): 4098.
[20] Jun Song, Chunlin Li*, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, Wen Wu. Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns and Exposure Risks of PM2.5 Pollution in China. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(13): 3173.
[21] Hongchao Xu, Chunlin Li*, Hao Wang, Rui Zhou, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu. Long-Term Spatiotemporal Patterns and Evolution of Regional Heat Islands in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(10): 2478.
[22] Hongyan Yin, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu*, Chunlin Li*, Yu Chang. Evolutions of 30-Year Spatio-Temporal Distribution and Influencing Factors of Suaeda salsa in Bohai Bay, China. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(1): 138.
[23] Chunlin Li, Miao Liu*, Yuanman Hu, Rui Zhou*, Wen Wu, Na Huang. Evaluating the runoff storage supply-demand structure of green infrastructure for urban flood management. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 280: 124420.
[24] Kongming Li, Chunlin Li*, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, Hao Wang, Wen Wu. Multiscale analysis of the effects of urban green infrastructure landscape patterns on PM2.5 concentrations in an area of rapid urbanization. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 325: 129324.
[26] Wen Wu, Lidong Li*, Chunlin Li*. Seasonal variation in the effects of urban environmental factors on land surface temperature in a winter city. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 299: 126897.
[27] Hongyan Yin, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu*, Chunlin Li*, Jiujun Lv. Ecological and Environmental Effects of Estuarine Wetland Loss Using Keyhole and Landsat Data in Liao River Delta, China. Remote Sensing. 2021, 13(2): 311.