徐文茹,女,博士,项目研究员。研究主要以森林生态系统为研究对象,以地面调查为基础,结合生态系统过程模型、景观过程模型、遥感和空间统计等手段,开展生态过程、管理、干扰、气候变化和土地利用变化对森林生态系统演替和碳动态影响的研究,阐明森林-气候变化-自然干扰-人类活动的多尺度动态反馈机制。发表论文10余篇,主要包括Journal of applied ecology, Forest Ecology and Management, Science of the Total Environment,Communications Earth & Environment和Environmental Modelling & Software 等期刊。
2017.8-2020.12 美国密苏里大学,林学,理学博士
2015.9-2018.6 东北师范大学,自然地理学,理学硕士
2011.8-2015.6 东北师范大学,地理信息系统,理学学士
2023.06-至今 永利娱高ylg060net,副研究员
2022.6-2023.5 美国爱荷华州立大学地理与大气科学系,博士后
2021.1-2022.5 美国密苏里大学自然资源系,博士后
1. 美国国家自然科学基金(National Science Foundation):Integrated assessments of urbanization impacts on building energy use for urban energy sustainability(2041859),2021/3-2024/2,骨干;
2. 密苏里州保护局(Missouri department of conservation research):Piloting Integrated Landscape Planning for the Comprehensive Conservation Strategy, Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project,2021/1-2022/5,骨干;
3. 美国地质调查局(the National Biologic Carbon Sequestration Assessment Program under the U.S. Geological Survey Climate and Land Use Mission Area):Post Black Dragon Fire Forest Carbon Dynamics of Greater Xing'an Mountains of Northeast China—A Comparative Study with the 1988 Yellowstone Fires,2017/8-2020/12,骨干;
4. 国家自然科学基金——青年基金:基于炭化木的长白山火山喷发测年与植被重建,2017/01-2019/12,参与;
2021年 Best Dissertation Award, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
1) Xu, W., He, H.S.*, Huang, C., Duan, S., Hawbaker, T.J., Henne, P.D., Liang, Y., and Zhu, Z. Large fires or small fires, will they differ in affecting shifts in species composition and distributions under climate change? Forest Ecology and Management, 2022, 510, p.120131. Cited by 2.
2) Xu, W., He, H.S.*, Fraser, J.S., Hawbaker, T.J., Henne, P.D., Duan, S. and Zhu, Z., 2020. Spatially explicit reconstruction of post-megafire forest recovery through landscape modeling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 134, 104884. Cited by 8.
3) Xu, W., He, H.S.*, Hawbaker, T.J., Zhu, Z. and Henne, P.D., 2020. Estimating burn severity and carbon emissions from a historic megafire in boreal forests of China. Science of The Total Environment, 716, 136534. Cited by 18.
4) Liu, Z.*, Wang, W.J., Ballantyne, A., He, H.S., Wang, X., Liu, S., Ciais, P., Wimberly, M.C., Piao, S., Yu, K., Yao, Q., Liang, Y., Wu, Z., Fang, Y., Chen, A., Xu, W.*, and Zhu, J*. Forest disturbance decreased in China from 1986 to 2020 despite regional variations. Communications Earth & Environment, 2023, 4(1), p.15. Cited by 1.
5) 徐文茹,贺红士*,罗旭,黄超,唐志强,刘凯,丛毓,谷晓楠,宗盛伟,杜海波.停止商业性采伐对大兴安岭森林结构与地上生物量的长期影响.生态学报,2018,38(4)。Cited by 4.
6) Huang, C., Li, S., He, H.S., Liang, Y., Xu, W., Wu, M.M., Wu, Z., Huang, C. and Chen, F. Effects of forest management practices on carbon dynamics of China's boreal forests under changing climates. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 335, p.117497. Cited by 0.
7) Wu, M.M., Zou, X., Liang, Y., Stambaugh, M., Fraser, J.S., Xu, W. and He, H.S. The impact of typhoon on post-volcanic-eruption forest landscape recovery: a study in Changbai mountain through 300 years of historic landscape reconstruction. Landscape Ecology, 2022, 37(5), pp.1401-1416. Cited by 0.
8) Huang, C., He, H.S., Liang, Y., Hawbaker, T.J., Henne, P.D., Xu, W., Gong, P. and Zhu, Z. The changes in species composition mediate direct effects of climate change on future fire regimes of boreal forests in northeastern China. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2021, 58(6), pp.1336-1345. Cited by 11.
9) Duan, S., He, H.S., Spetich, M.A., Wang, W.J., Fraser, J.S. and Xu, W. Long-term effects of succession, climate change and insect disturbance on oak-pine forest composition in the US Central Hardwood Region. European Journal of Forest Research, 2021, pp.1-12. Cited by 1.
10) Henne, P.D., Hawbaker, T.J., Scheller, R.M., Zhao, F., He, H.S., Xu, W. and Zhu, Z., 2020. Increased burning in a warming climate reduces carbon uptake in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem despite productivity gains. Journal of Ecology. Cited by 6.