国家自然科学基金青年项目, 41901125, 东北森林关键生态系统服务权衡对气候变化与林火干扰的响应机制,2020-01至2022-12,25万元,结题,主持;
国家重点研发计划课题, 2022YFC3003101, 森林-城镇交界域制图及火灾高发区域时空动态辨识研究,2022-11至2025-10, 200万元, 在研, 参与;
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 41671098 , 喀斯特峰丛洼地区生态系统服务的权衡机制及尺度效应,2017-01至2020-12,67万元,结题,参与。
Jiao Kewei, Gao Jiangbo, Liu Zhihua, Wu Shaohong, Fletcher T L. 2021. Revealing climatic impacts on the temporal and spatial variation in vegetation activity across China: Sensitivity and contribution. Advances in Climate Change Research, 12(3): 409-420.
Jiao Kewei, Gao Jiangbo, Liu Zhihua. 2021. Precipitation drives the NDVI distribution on the Tibetan Plateau while high warming rates may intensify its ecological droughts. Remote Sensing, 13(7): 1035.
Jiao Kewei, Gao Jiangbo, Wu Shaohong. 2019. Climatic determinants impacting the distribution of vegetation activity in China: Regional differentiation and spatial variability. International Journal of Biometeorology, 63(4): 523-533.
Gao Jiangbo #, Jiao Kewei # (#First co-author), Wu Shaohong. 2018. Quantitative assessment of ecosystem vulnerability to climate change: methodology and application in China. Environmental Research Letters, 13(9): 094016.
Gao Jiangbo#, Jiao Kewei# (#First co-author), Wu Shaohong, et al. 2017. Past and future effects of climate change on spatially heterogeneous vegetation activity in China. Earth’s Future, 5(7): 679-692.
Gao Jiangbo, Jiao Kewei, Wu Shaohong. 2019. Investigating the spatially heterogeneous relationships between climate factors and NDVI in China during 1982 to 2013. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29(10):1597-1609.
Jiang Yuan, Gao Jiangbo, Wu Shaohong, Jiao Kewei. 2023. Mediation effect as the component to ecosystem? Establishing the chain effect framework of ecosystem services across typical karst basin in China. Catena, 221: 106761.
Zhang Linlin, Gao Jiangbo, Tang Ze, Jiao Kewei. 2021. Quantifying the ecosystem vulnerability to drought based on data integration and processes coupling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 301: 108354.
Wang Huan, Yan Shijie, Liang Ze, Jiao Kewei, et al. 2021. Strength of association between vegetation greenness and its drivers across China between 1982 and 2015: Regional differences and temporal variations. Ecological Indicators, 128: 107831.
焦珂伟, 高江波, 吴绍洪, 等. 2018. 植被活动对气候变化响应过程的研究进展. 生态学报, 38(6): 2229-2238.
高江波, 焦珂伟, 吴绍洪. 2019. 1982-2013年中国植被NDVI空间异质性的气候影响分析.地理学报, 74(3): 534-543.
高江波, 焦珂伟, 吴绍洪, 等. 2017. 气候变化影响与风险研究的理论范式和方法体系.生态学报, 37(7): 2169-2178.
苏佳佳, 刘志华, 焦珂伟, 等. 2021. 气候变化对中国林火干扰空间格局的影响. 生态学杂志, 40(12): 3810-3821.
王小霞, 刘志华, 焦珂伟. 2020. 2000-2017年东北森林NDVI时空动态及其驱动因子. 生态学杂志, 39(9): 2878-2886.
焦珂伟, 周启星. 2015. 基于水质与生物指标的松花江流域水生态健康评价. 生态学杂志, 34(6): 1731-1737.
焦珂伟, 李凤祥, 周启星. 2015. 松花江流域营养盐的空间分布及污染等级评价. 农业环境科学学报, 34(4): 769-775.
阎世杰, 王欢, 焦珂伟. 2019. 京津冀地区植被时空动态及定量归因. 地球信息科学学报, 21(5): 767-780.
吴绍洪, 潘韬, 刘燕华, 邓浩宇, 焦珂伟, 等. 2017. 中国综合气候变化风险区划. 地理学报, 72(1): 3-17.
吴绍洪, 刘文政, 潘韬, 邓浩宇, 焦珂伟, 等. 2016. 1960~2011年中国陆地表层区域变动幅度与速率.科学通报, 61(19): 2187-2197.
Gao J B, Hou W J, Jiao K W, Wu S H. 2016. Land Degradation and Desertification – a Global Crisis. Chapter 2: Land-Atmosphere Interaction in the Southwestern Karst Region of China. Published by InTech, Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia.