

霍常富 简介



姓名:霍常富           性别:男

出生日期:1981.10.5     籍贯:辽宁本溪

学历:博士             专业:自然地理学

Email: cfhuo@iae.ac.cn    电话:13909837512




2007.9- 2010.7  博士,自然地理学专业


2004.9- 2007.7  硕士,森林培育专业


2000.9- 2004.7  学士,林学专业




l  主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(根系原生环境下的树木细根分解研究,直接费用58万元,2021.1-2024.12

l  主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(基于根窗法树木细根寿命的长期观测研究,直接费用63万元,2016.1-2019.12

l  主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(落叶松人工林细跟周转的纬度分异规律及其内在机制研究,经费23万元,2013.1-2015.12

l  参与国家自然科学基金重点项目(主持子课题,杉木林SOM激发效应与养分有效性,经费15万元,2019.01-2023.12

l  参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(长白山森林生态系统的根际激发效应,直接费用60万元,2019.1-2022.12

l  参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(杉木细根周转与根际激发对CO2浓度升高和氮沉降的响应,经费81万元,2015.1-2018.12


[1]     Huo CF, Lu JY, Yin LM, Wang P*, Cheng WX. Coupled of carbon and nitrogen mineralization in rhizosphere soils along a temperate forest altitudinal gradient. Plant and Soil 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05611-1 (2Top)

[2]     Huo CF, Lu JY, Yin LM, Wang P*, Cheng WX. Rhizosphere effects along an Altitudinal Gradient of the Changbai Mountain, China. Forests 2022, 13, 1104. https:// doi.org/10.3390/f13071104 (3)

[3]     Huo CF, Gu JC, Yu LZ, Wang P*, Cheng WX. Temporal dynamics of fine root production, mortality and turnover deviate across branch orders in a larch stand. Oecologica 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-022-05206-8 (2Top)

[4]     Huo CF, Liang JY, Zhang WD*, Wang P*, Cheng WX. Priming effect and its regulating factors for fast and slow soil organic carbon pools: A meta-analysis. Pedosphere 2022, 32(1): 140-148 (2)

[5]     Yin LM#, Zhang TS#, Dijkstra FA, Huo CF, Wang P*, Cheng WX. Priming effect varies with root order: A case of Cunninghamia lanceolata. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2021, 160:108354. (#共同第一作者)

[6]     Huo CF*, Cheng WX. Improved root turnover assessment using field scanning rhizotrons with branch order analysis. Ecosphere 2019, 10(8): e02793. (2)

[7]     黄双双, 霍常富*, 解宏图, 王朋, 程维信. 表层和下层免耕黑土有机碳矿化速率及激发效应. 应用生态学报 2019, 30(6): 1877-1884

[8]     Liang JY*, Zhou ZH, Huo CF, Shi Z, Cole JR, Konstantinidis KT, Luo ZK, Penton CR, Schuur E, Tiedje JM, Wang YP, Wu LY, Zhou JZ, Luo YQ*. More replenishment than priming loss of soil organic carbon with additional carbon input. Nature Communications 2018, 9: 3175

[9]     霍常富, 王朋, 陈龙池, 汪思龙*. 杉木人工林蓄积量和生态系统碳数量成熟龄的关系. 中南林业科技大学学报 2018, 38(9): 94-99

[10] Huo CF, Luo YQ, Cheng WX*. Rhizosphere priming effect meta-analysis. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2017, 111:78-84. (1Top)

[11] Wang P*, Diao FW, Yin LM, Huo CF. Absorptive roots trait plasticity explains the variation of root foraging strategies in Cunninghamia lanceolata. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2016,129: 127-135

[12] 倪薇,霍常富,王朋*. 落叶松细根形态特征沿维度梯度的可塑性. 生态学杂志2014339):2322-2329

[13] 霍常富,程根伟*,鲁旭阳.中国西南山地森林演替模型的参数估计与模拟检验.东北林业大学学报201240(10)78-83

[14] 霍常富,尤文忠*张慧东,颜廷武,魏文俊,赵刚,郭锦山,邢兆凯.辽宁冰砬山不同林龄蒙古栎次生林生物量和生产力初探.辽宁林业科技2011(4)3-6

[15] Huo CF, Cheng GW*, Lu XY, Fan JH. Simulating the effects of climate change on forest dynamics in Gongga Mountain, Southwest China. Journal of Forest research 2010,15(3)176-185 (4)

[16] 霍常富,程根伟*,鲁旭阳,范继辉,肖飞鹏.气候变化对贡嘎山森林原生演替影响的模拟研究.北京林业大学学报201032(1)1-6

[17] 霍常富,鲁旭阳,范继辉,程根伟*.林窗模型研究进展. 世界林业研究200922(6)43-48

[18] 霍常富孙海龙王政权*范志强赵晓敏.光照和氮营养对水曲柳苗木生长及碳-氮代谢的影响.林业科学200945(7)38-44

[19] Lu XY, Cheng GW*, Xiao FP, Huo CF. Simulating Carbon Sequestration and GHGs Emissions in Abies fabric Forest on the Gongga Mountains Using a Biogeochemical Process Model Forest-DNDC. Journal of Mountain Science 2008, 5(3): 249-256

[20] 霍常富王政权*孙海龙范志强赵晓敏.光照和氮交互作用对水曲柳幼苗生长、生物量和氮分配的影响.应用生态学报200819(8)1658-1664

[21] 霍常富孙海龙范志强王政权*.根系氮吸收过程及其主要调节因子.应用生态学报200718(6)1356-1364

