

朱教君,中共党员,一级研究员,博士生导师。国家自然科学杰出青年科学基金获得者,国家973计划项目、国家自然科学基金重大项目首席科学家。现任永利娱高ylg060net所长。辽宁清原森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站站长。兼任中国生态学学会副理事长,辽宁省生态学会理事长,中国科学院学术委员会资源环境生态领域专委会委员,三北防护林体系建设工程专家咨询委员会副主任,三北工程攻坚“三大战区”东部专家组组长,Ecological Processes期刊共同主编等。

长期从事森林生态、防护林生态、林业生态工程等应用生态学领域研究。主持国家、省部级等项目30 余项。以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI 论文130余篇,出版专著6 部,授权专利9项;第1完成人获国家科技进步二等奖2项,省部级一等奖4项;主笔撰写10余份咨询建议被国家采纳;获国际林联科学成就奖IUFRO Scientific Achievement Award、国务院政府津贴等个人荣誉奖励20余项。组建了一支包括杰青、优青、项目首席、海外客座教授等以中青年为主、多学科交叉的国际化创新团队。培养博士后、博士、硕士研究生50余人。


  1. 1996—2001 日本新泻大学,生物圈科学/自然(森林)科学,硕士、博士

  2. 1987—1990 永利娱高ylg060net,生态学,硕士

  3. 1983—1987 沈阳农业大学,林学,学士


  1. 2015—至今 永利娱高ylg060net,副所长,副所长主持工作,所长

  2. 2002—至今 永利娱高ylg060net,研究员,博导,站长

  3. 2001—2002 日本新泻大学农学部,学者研究员(Scholar Researcher)

  4. 1990—1996 永利娱高ylg060net,研究实习员、助理研究员、副研究员


  1. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,32192430,人工林生态系统生产力提升与碳汇维持机制,2022.01-2026.12

  2. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2012CB416900,我国主要人工林生态系统结构、功能与调控研究,2012.01-2016.08,结题(优秀)

  3. 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金,31025007,防护林学,2011.01-2014.12,结题(优秀)

  4. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项课题,XDA05060400,“三北”防护林工程固碳速率和潜力研究,2011.01-2015.12

  5. 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目课题,KZCX1-YW-08-02, 三北防护林工程生态环境效应遥感监测与评估研究,2007.11-2011.12

  6. 中国科学院BR项目,干扰条件下次生林生态系统主要生态过程与可持续经营,2004.01-2008.04


[1]   Yang Kai, Zhang Qian, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Wang Qiqi, Gao Tian, Wang G. Geoff. Mycorrhizal type regulates trade-offs between plant and soil carbon in forests. Nat. Clim. Chang. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-023-01864-5.

[2]   Zhihua Liu*, Wenjuan Wang, Ashley Ballantyne, Hong He, Xugao Wang, Shuguang Liu, Philippe Ciais, Michael Wimberly, Shilong Piao, Kailiang Yu, Qichao Yao, Liang Yu, Zhiwei Wu, Yunting Fang, Anping Chen, Wenru Xu, and Zhu Jiaojun(*). Forest disturbance decreased in China from 1986 to 2020 despite regional variations. Communications Earth & Environment, 2023, 4:15.

[3]   Qi Ke, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zheng Xiao, Wang G. Geoff, Li Mingcai. Impacts of the Three-North Afforestation Program (the World’s Largest Ecological Restoration Program) on desertification control in sandy land of China. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 2023, 60(1):2167574.

[4]   Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zheng Xiao, Li Xinjunyan, Wang Kai, Zhang Jinxin, Wang Guochen, Sun Hailong. Water use dynamics of trees in a Pinus tabuliformis plantation in semiarid sandy regions, Northeast China. Agricultural Water Management, 2023, 275, 107995.

[5]   Gao Pingzhen, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yang Kai, Yan Qiaoling, Zhang Jinxin, Yu Lizhong, Diao Mengmeng, Xu Shuang. Can larch-Aralia elata agroforestry systems improve the soil chemical and microbial properties of larch plantations? Agroforestry systems, 2022, 96: 885-896.

[6]   Gao Pingzhen, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yang Kai, Zhang Jinxin. The amelioration of degraded larch (Larix olgensis) soil depends on the proportion of Aralia elata litter in larch-A. elata agroforestry systems. Journal of Forestry Research, 2022, doi.org/10.1007/s11676-022-01547-5.

[7]   Yan Qiaoling#, Zhu Chunyu#, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Song Lining, Wang G.Geoff, Lu Deliang. Estimating gap age using tree-ring width in combination with carbon isotope discrimination in a temperate forest, Northeast China. Annals of Forest Science, 2022, 79: 25.

[8]   Yang Kai*, Diao Mengmeng, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Lu Deliang, Zhang Weidong. A global meta-analysis of indicators for assessing forest soil quality through comparison between paired plantations versus natural forests. Land Degradation and Development, 2022, doi: 10.1002/ldr.4411

[9]   Yang Kai*, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zhang Weiwei, Zhang Qian, Lu Deliang, Zhang Yakun, Zheng Xiao, Xu Shuang, Wang G.Geoff. Litter decomposition and nutrient release from monospecific and mixed litters: Comparisons of litter quality, fauna and decomposition site effects. Journal of Ecology, 2022, 110: 1673-1686.

[10] Yang Kai*, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zhang Weiwei, Gu Jiacun, Wang Zhengquan, Xu Shuang. Comparison of soil chemical and microbial properties in monoculture larch and mixed plantations in a temperate forest ecosystem in Northeast China. Ecological Processes, 2022, 11(1): 12.

[11] Zhang Min, Zhu Jiaojun(*). 2022. The coupled effect of light and temperature on dormancy release and germination of Pinus koraiensis seeds. Journal of Forestry Research, 33:1135-1144.

[12] Wang Jing, Wang G.Geoff*, Li Rong, Sun Yirong, Yu Lizhong, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yan Qiaoling*. Cascading effect of source limitation on the granivore-mediated seed dispersal of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) in secondary forest ecosystems. Ecological Processes, 2022, 11(1): 1.

[13] Chen Qingda#, Gao Tian#, Jiaojun Zhu(*), Wu Fayun, Li Xiufen, Lu Deliang, Yu Fengyuan. Individual Tree segmentation and tree height estimation using leaf-off and leaf-on UAV-Lidar data in dense deciduous forests. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14: 2787.

[14] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zheng Xiao, Wang Kai, Zhang Jinxin, Hao Guangyou, Wang Guochen, Liu Jianhua. Comparison of canopy transpiration between Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and Pinus tabuliformis plantations in a semiarid sandy region of Northeast China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 314: 108784.

[15] Ge Xiaowen, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Lu Deliang, Wu Danni, Yu Fengyuan, Wei Xiaohua. Effects of canopy composition on snow depth and below-the-snow temperature regimes in the temperate secondary forest ecosystem, Northeast China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 313: 108744.

[16] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Li Xinjunyan, Wang Kai, Wang Guochen, Sun Haihong. Transpiration of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica trees at different positions of sand dunes in a semiarid sandy region of Northeast China. Trees, 2022, 36(2): 749-762.

[17] Yu Yue, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Gao Tian, Liu Lifnag, Yu Fengyuan, Zhang Jinxin, Wei Xiaohua. Evaluating the influential variables on rainfall interception at different rainfall amount levels in temperate forests. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 615: 128572.

[18] Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zhu Chunyu, Lu Deliang, Wang G. Geoff, Zheng Xiao, Cao JianSheng, Zhang Jinxin, 2021. A 50-year gap dynamic in temperate secondary forests, Northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management, 484, 118943.

[19] Zhu Jiaojun(*), Song Lining, A review of ecological mechanisms for management practices of protective forests. Journal of forestry research, 2021, 32: 435–448.

[20] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zhang Ting, Wang Kai, Wang Guochen, Liu Jinghong., Higher canopy transpiration rates induced dieback in poplar (Populus × xiaozhuanica) plantations in a semiarid sandy region of Northeast China.. Agricultural Water Management 2021, 243: 106414.

[21] Zhang Ting#, Song Lining#, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Wang Guochen, Zheng Xxiao, Zhang Jinxin, Spatial distribution of root systems of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica trees with different ages in a semi-arid sandy region of Northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 483: 118776.

[22] Xiaowen Ge#, Jiaojun Zhu*, Deliang Lu#, Chunyu Zhu, Pingzhen Gao, Xiaoyan Yang, Effects of Korean pine basal area in mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest stands on its natural regeneration in Northeast China. Forest Science, 2020. (Online)

[23] Diao Mengmeng#, Yang Kai#, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Li Mingcai, Xu Shuang, Native broad-leaved tree species play key roles on maintaining soil chemical and microbial properties in a temperate secondary forest, Northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 462: 117971.

[24] Lu Deliang, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Wu Danni, Chen Qingda, Yu Yue, Wang Jing, Zhu Chunyu, Liu Huaqi, Gao Tian and Wang G. Geoff, Detecting dynamics and variations of crown asymmetry induced by natural gaps in a temperate secondary forest using terrestrial laser scanning. Forest ecology and management, 2020, 473: 118289.

[25] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zheng Xiao, Yang Kai, Lu Linyou, Zhang Xiaolin, Hao Guangyou. Transpiration and canopy conductance dynamics of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in its natural range and in an introduced region in the sandy plains of Northern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020.2.15, 281: 107830.

[26] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Li Mingcai, Zhang Jinxin, Wang Kai, Lu Linyou, Comparison of water-use patterns for non-native and native woody species in a semiarid sandy region of Northeast China based on stable isotopes. Environmental and experimental botany, 2020, 174: 103923.

[27] Song Yuan, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yan Qiaoling, Roles of abscisic acid and gibberellins in maintaining primary and secondary dormancy of Korean pine seeds. Journal of Forestry Research, 2020, 31(6): 2423-2434.

[28] Song Yuan, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yan Qiaoling, The temperature and length for the release of primary and induction of secondary physiological dormancy in Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.) seeds. New forests, 2020, 51(4): 657-669.

[29] Yu Yue#, Gao Tian#, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Wei Xiaohua, Guo Qinghua, Su Yanjun, Li Yumei, Deng Songqiu, Li Mingcai, Terrestrial laser scanning-derived canopy interception index for predicting rainfall interception. Ecohydrology, 2020, 13(5): e2212.

[30] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zhang Jinxin, Wang Kai, Lu Linyou. Comparison of water use patterns for non-native and native tree species by stable isotopes in a semiarid sandy region, Northeast China. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2020, 174: 103923.

[31] Song Yuan, Zhu Jiaojun(*), The roles of metabolic pathways in maintaining primary dormancy of Pinus koraiensis seeds. BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19: 550.

[32] Lu Deliang#, Zhang Guangqi#, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Wang G. Geoff, Zhu Chunyu, Yan Qiaoling,Zhang Jinxin. Early natural regeneration patterns of woody species within gaps in a temperate secondary forest. European Journal of Forest Research, 2019, 138(6): 991-1003.

[33] Zhang Weiwei#, Yang Kai#, Lyu Zhitang#, Zhu Jiaojun(*). Microbial groups and their functions control the decomposition of coniferous litter: A comparison with broadleaved tree litters. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2019, 133: 196-207.

[34] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zhang Jinxin, Wang Kai, Lu Linyou, Wang Fengbai, Wang Guochen. Divergent growth responses to warming and drying climates between native and non-native tree species in Northeast China. Trees-Structure and Function, 2019, 33(4): 1143-1155.

[35] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zhang Jinxin, Zhang Ting, Wang Kai, Wang Guochen, Liu Jianhua. Effect of Drought and Topographic Position on Depth of Soil Water Extraction of Pinus sylvestris L. var. mongolica Litv. Trees in a Semiarid Sandy Region, Northeast China. Forests, 2019, 10(5): 370.

[36] Zhu Chunyu, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Wang G. Geoff, Zheng Xiao, Lu Deliang, Gao Tian. Dynamics of gaps and large openings in a secondary forest of Northeast China over 50years. Annals of Forest Science, 2019, 76(3): 72.

[37] Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yu Lizhong, Xu Tianle, Wei Xiaohua, Yang Kai. Comparison of water quality in two catchments with different forest types in the headwater region of the Hun River, Northeast China. Journal of forestry research, 2019, 30(2): 565-576.

[38] Yan Tao, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Song Huanhuan, Yang Kai. Resorption-related nitrogen changes in the leaves and roots of Larix kaempferi seedlings under nutrient-sufficient and nutrientstarvation conditions. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2019, 12(4): 615-623.

[39] Yan Qiaoling, Gang Qun, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Size-Dependent Patterns of Seed Rain in Gaps in Temperate Secondary Forests, Northeast China, Forests, 2019, 10: 123.

[40] Gao Tian, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yan Qiaoling, Deng SQ, Zheng Xiao, Zhang Jinxin, Shang Guiduo, Mapping growing stock volume and biomass carbon storage of larch plantations in Northeast China with L-band ALOS PALSAR backscatter mosaics, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018, 39(22): 7978-7997.

[41] Lu Deliang, Wang G.Geoff(*), Yan Qiaoling, Gao Tian, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Effects of gap size and within-gap position on seedling growth and biomass allocation: Is the gap partitioning hypothesis applicable to the temperate secondary forest ecosystems in Northeast China? Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 429: 351-362.

[42] Lu Deliang, Wang G.Geoff(*), Yu Lizhong, Zhang Ting, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Seedling survival within forest gaps: the effects of gap size, within-gap position and forest type on species of contrasting shade-tolerance in Northeast China, Forestry, 2018, 91(4): 470-479.

[43] Lu Deliang, Wang G.Geoff(*), Zhang Jinxin, Fang Yunting, Zhu Chunyu, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Converting larch plantations to mixed stands: Effects of canopy treatment on the survival and growth of planted seedlings with contrasting shade tolerance, Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 409: 19-28.

[44] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Li Mingcai, Zhang Jinxin, Li Dabo, Water use strategies of natural Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica trees of different ages in Hulunbuir Sandy Land of Inner Mongolia, China, based on stable isotope analysis, Trees, 2018, 32(4): 1001-1011.

[45] Yang Kai, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Xu Shuang, Zheng Xiao, Conversion from temperate secondary forests into plantations (Larix spp.): Impact on belowground carbon and nutrient pools in northeastern China, Land Degradation and Development, 2018, 29(11): 4129-4139.

[46] Shang Guiduo, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Gao Tian, Zheng Xiao, Zhang Jinxin, Using multi-source remote sensing data to classify Larch plantations in Northeast China and support the development of multi-purpose silviculture. Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 29(4): 889-904.

[47] Li Xiufen, Jin Lei, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Liu Limin, Zhang Jinxin, Wang Yi, Zhu Chenyao, Responses of tree species and stand types to snow/wind damage in a temperate secondary forest, Northeast China, Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 29(2): 395-404.

[48] Yang Kai, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Gu Jiacun, Xu Shuang, Yu Lizhong, Wang Zhengquan. Effects of continuous nitrogen addition on microbial properties and soil organic matter in a Larix gmelinii plantation in China, Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 29(1): 85-92.

[49] Yan Tao, Lü Xiaotao, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yang Kai, Yu Lizhong, Gao Tian, Changes in nitrogen and phosphorus cycling suggest a transition to phosphorus limitation with the stand development of larch plantations , Plant and Soil, 2018, 422(1-2): 385-396.

[50] Yan Tao, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yang Kai, Leaf nitrogen and phosphorus resorption of woody species in response to climatic conditions and soil nutrients: a meta-analysis, Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 29(4): 905-013.

[51] Yan Tao, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Fang Yunting, Yang Kai, Li Mingcai, Effects of thinning on nitrogen status of a larch plantation, illustrated by N-15 natural abundance and N resorption, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. 2018. 33(4): 357-364.

[52] Song Yuan, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yan Qiaoling, Wang Guangchen, Korean pine seed: linking changes in dormancy to germination in the two years following dispersal, Forestry, 2018, 91(1): 98-109.

[53] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Li Mingcai, Zhang Jinxin, Zheng Xiao, Wang K, Canopy transpiration of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in a sparse wood grassland in a semiarid sandy region of Northeast China, Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 250-251:192-201.

[54] Yan Tao, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yang Kai(*), Yu Lizhong, Zhang Jinxin, Nutrient removal under different harvesting scenarios for larch plantations in northeast China: Implications for nutrient conservation and management, Forest Ecology and Management, 2017. 400: 150-158.

[55] Zhu Chunyu, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zheng Xiao, Lu Deliang, Li Xiufen, Comparison of gap formation and distribution pattern induced by wind/snowstorm and flood in a temperate secondary forest ecosystem, Northeast China. Silva Fennica, 2017, 51(5): 7693.

[56] Song Lining, Li Mingcai, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zhang Jinxin, Comparisons of radial growth and tree ring cellulose δ13C in Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in the natural and plantation forests on sandy lands. Journal of Forest Research, 2017, 22(3): 60-168.

[57] Zheng Xiao, Zhu Jiaojun(*), A new climatic classification of afforestation in Three-North regions of China with multi-source remote-sensing data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2017, 127: 465-480.

[58] Zhang Weiwei, Lv Zhitang, Yang Kai, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Impacts of conversion from secondary forests to larch plantations on the structure and function of microbial communities. Applied Soil Ecology, 2017, 111: 73-83.

[59] Yan Qiaoling, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Gang Qun, Huang Liyan, Wang GGeoff, Comparison of spatial distribution patterns of seed rain between larch plantations and adjacent secondary forests in Northeast China. Forest Science, 2016, 62(6): 652-662.

[60] Sun Yirong, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Yan Qiaoling, Hu Zhibin, Zheng Xiao, Changes in vegetation carbon stocks between 1978 and 2007 in central Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(4):1-16.

[61] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Li Mingcai, Zhang Jinxin, Water use patterns of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica trees with different ages in semiarid sandy land of Northeast China. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016, 129: 94-107.

[62] Sun Yirong, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Sun Osbert Jianxin, Yan Qiaoling, Responses of photosynthetic parameters and growth of Pinus koraiensis seedlings to canopy openness: implications to restoration of mixed-broadleaved Korean pine forests. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016, 129: 118-126.

[63] Yan Qiaoling, Gang Qun, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Sun Yirong, Variation in survival and growth strategies for seedlings of broadleaved tree species in response to thinning of larch plantations: implication for converting pure larch plantations into larch-broadleaved mixed forests. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016.03.14, 129: 108-117[59

[64] Song Yuan, Zhu Jiaojun(*), How does moist cold stratification under field conditions affect the dormancy release of Korean pine seed (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.)? Seed Science & Technology, 2016, 44(1): 27-42.

[65] Zheng Xiao, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Xing Zefeng, Assessment of the effects of shelterbelts on the crop yield at regional scale, Northeast China. Agricultural System, 2016, 143: 49-60.

[66] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Li Mingcai, Zhang Jinxin, Lv Linyou, Sources of water used by Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica trees based on stable isotope observations in a semiarid sandy region of Northeast China. Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 164: 281-290.

[67] Lu Deliang, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Sun Yirong, Hu Lile, Zhang Guangqi, Gap closure process by lateral extension and its effect on woody species regeneration: a seven-year observation. Silva Fennica, 2015, 49(5): 1310, 1-17.

[68] Gang Qun, Yan Qiaoling(*), Zhu JJ(*), Effects of thinning on early seed regeneration of two broadleaved tree species in larch plantations: implication for inducing pure larch plantations into larch-broadleaved mixed forests. Forestry, 2015, 88 (5): 573-585.

[69] Gao Tian, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zheng Xiao, Shang Guiduo, Huang Liyan. Mapping spatial distribution of Larch plantations from multi-seasonal Landsat OLI imagery and ancillary data using random forests. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7: 1702-1720.

[70] Song Lining,Zhu Jioajun(*), Yan Qiaoling, Li Mingcai, Yu Guoqing. 2015. Comparison of intrinsic water use efficiency between different aged Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica windbreaks in semi-arid sandy land of northern China, Agroforestry Systems, 2015, 89(3): 477-489.

[71] Song Lining, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Li Mingcai, Yan Qiaoling, Intrinsic water use efficiency in wet and dry years at young and old plantations of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica stands in semiarid China. Journal of Forest Research, 2015, 20(2): 263-271.

[72] Yan Qiaoling, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zheng Xiao, Jin Changjie, Causal effects of shelter forests and water factors on desertification processes during 2000-2010 in the Horqin Sandy Land region, China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2015, 26(1): 33-45.

[73] Yang Kai, Zhu Jiaojun(*),The effects of N and Padditions on soil microbial properties in the paired stands of temperate secondary forests and adjacent larch plantations in Northeast China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2015, 90: 80-86.

[74] Yang Kai, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Gu Jiacun, Yu Lizhong, Wang Zhengquan, Changes in soil phosphorus fractions after 9 years of continuous nitrogen addition in a Larix gmelinii plantation. Annals of Forest Science, 2015, 72(4): 435-442.

[75] Yang Kai, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Impact of tree litter decomposition on soil biochemical properties obtained from a temperate secondary forest in Northeast China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015, 15 (1): 13-23

[76] Zhang Min, Yan Qiaoling, Zhu Jiaojun(*), The optimum light transmittance for seed germination and early seedling recruitment of Pinus koraiensis: Implication for regeneration improvements. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 2015, 8: 853-859.

[77] Zheng Xiao, Zhu Jiaojun(*), Temperature-based approaches for estimating monthly reference evapotranspiration based on MODIS data over North China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2015, 121, (3): 695-711.

[78] Zheng Xiao, Zhu Jiaojun(*), A methodological approach for spatial downscaling of TRMM precipitation data in North China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2015, 36(1): 144-169.

[79] Zhu Jiaojun(*), Zhang Guangqi, Wang Gaofeng, Yan Qiaoling, Lu Deliang, Li Xiufen, Zheng Xiao, On the size of forest gaps: can their lower and upper limits be objectively defined? Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 2015, 213: 64-76.

[80] 朱教君(*), 高添, 于立忠, 于丰源, 杨凯, 卢德亮, 闫巧玲, 孙一荣, 刘利芳, 徐爽, 张金鑫, 郑晓, 宋立宁, 周新华, 温带次生林生态系统塔群监测研究平台(清原科尔塔群), 中国科学院院刊, 2021, 36: 351-361.

[81] 高添, 于立忠, 于丰源, 王兴昌, 杨凯, 卢德亮, 李秀芬, 闫巧玲, 孙一荣, 刘利芳, 徐爽, 甄晓杰, 倪振东, 张金鑫, 王高峰, 魏晓华, 周新华, 朱教君(*), 中国科学院清原森林生态系统观测研究站塔群平台的功能和应用. 应用生态学报, 2020, 31: 695-705.

[82] 卢德亮, 朱教君(*), 王高峰, 树木萌蘖更新研究进展与展望, 生态学杂志, 2020, 39:4178-4184.

[83] 朱教君(*),郑晓, 关于三北防护林体系建设的思考与展望——基于40年建设综合评估结果. 生态学杂志, 2019, 5: 1600-1610.

[84] 朱教君(*), 闫巧玲, 于立忠, 张金鑫, 杨凯, 高添, 根植森林生态研究与试验示范, 支撑东北森林生态保护恢复与可持续发展, 中国科学院院刊, 2018, 33: 107-118.

[85] 宋立宁, 朱教君(*), 郑晓, 基于沙地樟子松人工林衰退机制的营林方案, 生态学杂志, 2017, 36: 3249-3256.

[86] 朱教君(*), 张金鑫. 关于人工林可持续经营的思考, 科学, 2016, 68(4):37-40.



  1. 朱教君, 防护林生态学, 科学出版社, 2022.

  2. 朱教君, 郑晓, 闫巧玲, 三北防护林工程生态环境效应遥感监测与评估研究, 科学出版社, 2015, pp431.

  3. Mason WL, Zhu JJ, Silviculture of Planted Forests Managed for Multi-functional Objectives: Lessons from Chinese and British Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities for the Worlds Forests in the 21st Century, Forestry Sciences, 2014, 81: 37-54. 专著章节

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  5. 朱教君, 刘世荣,森林生态干扰研究. 中国林业出版社, 2007, pp 365.

  6. 朱教君, 曾德慧, 康宏樟, 吴祥云, 范志平, 沙地樟子松人工林衰退机制, 中国林业出版社, 2005, pp 276.

  7. Zhu JJ, Matsuzaki T, Jiang FQ, Wind on Tree Windbreaks. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, 2004, pp 235.


1)     张广奇, 朱教君, 闫巧玲, 李秀芬. 2016. 一种确定林窗下限的方法. 授权号:ZL 201310342725.4

2)     朱教君, 张广奇, 李秀芬. 2017. 一种确定林窗大小上限的方法. 授权号:ZL 201310314128.0

3)     朱教君, 胡理乐. 2011. 一种测量林窗面积和形状的方法. 授权号: ZL 200710011580.4

4)     胡理乐, 朱教君. 2010. 一种测量林窗立体结构的方法. 授权号: ZL 200710011637.0

5)     胡理乐, 朱教君. 2009. 一种测量林窗面积的方法. 授权号: ZL 200610134136.7

6)     朱教君, 曾德慧. 2005. 透光分层疏透度测定方法及设备. 授权号: ZL 01128255.X

7)     朱教君, 康宏樟, 于立忠. 2010. 一种用于测定土壤水分的方法及装置. 授权号: ZL 20060135090.0


8)     朱教君, 齐珂. 2023. 一种基于无人机的防护林带分层叶面积密度测定装置和方法. 国际专利(PCT)申请号:PCT/CN2023/090228

9)     朱教君, 张金鑫, 宋立宁, 李鑫俊严, 刘利芳, 刘华琪. 2023. 一种基于探地雷达反演防风固沙林土壤含水量的方法. 国际专利(PCT)申请号:PCT/CN2023/092212


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